Q9. Compare the desirable qualities of the lubricating oil selected for each of the following duties:
a) Auxiliary diesel engines. (4)
b) Stern tube bearings. (4)
c) Refrigeration compressors. (4)
d) Gear case of purifier. (4)
Give reasons for the differing properties of the oils recommended for these four purposes.
Q2. Describe the action you as watch keeper would take and outline possible reasons for failure in both the following cases:
a) The auxiliary diesel engine fails to turn on starting air. (8)
b) The engine turn on starting air but fails to fire. (8)
Q3. Describe, with the aid of sketches, a system of turbo-charging a two-stroke cycle main engine. State the routine attention, which should be given to the turbo-charger. Which parameters are to be recorded during watch keeping? (16)
Q3. Make a report to the Chief Engineer of your vessel about malfunctioning of low lub oil pressure alarm for the auxiliary engine, observed during your watch, with special emphasis on the possible consequences. (16)
Q9. With reference to an auxiliary diesel engine: (a) Explain how a crankcase explosion may occur (4) (b) Identify the indications of poor combustion (4)
(c) State FOUR reasons for poor combustion (4)
(d) Describe the effects on engine condition and maintenance by allowing poor combustion to continue (4)
Q6. When a medium speed diesel engine is used for propulsion purposes, a coupling is required between engine and reverse /reduction gear-
(a) Sketch a hydraulic coupling for the above stated purposes. (6)
(b) Describe how it operates. (6)
(c) State what advantages such couplings have over their friction and magnetic alternatives. (4)
Q8. (a) Describe crank case Oil Mist Detector and the principle of its operation. (8) (b) Draw crank case explosion relief door and name the parts. State pressure setting of the door. (8)
Q8. Describe the process of replacing the cylinder liner in an auxiliary engine. How is water tightness ensured and what precautions are taken before commissioning the engine? (16)
Q6. If an auxiliary diesel generator over speeds while off load, explain:
(a) How can the engine be stopped? (6)
(b) What are the probable reasons for the failure? (4)
(c) Give details of the checks that are required to be made after the engine has been stopped, with regard to
(i) Mechanical checks and
(ii) Electrical checks (6)
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