Q1. a) Describe with a Sketch the Dry Powder Extinguisher, its working principle and the types of inspections to be carried out and its periodicity. (10)
b) Suggest why in certain instances carbon dioxide and dry powder can be more of hazard than help in untutored hands. (5)
c) Suggest why dry powder is more effective than carbon dioxide for switchboard fires. (5)
Q2. With respect to Fire protection, fire detection and Fire extinction:
a) Describe, for a ship that carries dangerous cargo, the bridge-based detection arrangement. (10)
b) State how fires are dealt with, bearing in mind that dangerous cargo quantity varies. (10)
Q3. a) Describe with the aid of a Sketch the release arrangement for a machinery space fixed fire-fighting installation using CO2 system. State in your answer any special need for rapid delivery of the gas and the time permitted for discharge. (10)
b) Explain why and how evacuation of the machinery space is considered necessary before releasing CO2. (10)
Q4. Write short notes on following:
i) SART (5)
ii) EPIRB (5)
iii) Portable VHF (5)
iv) Line throwing apparatus (5)
Q5. Hot work is planned in the bottom platform of the engine room. As a watch keeping engineer how will you ensure that the job is carried out safely. (20)
Q8. Describe an emergency source of electrical power, using a diesel engine driven alternator, with particular attention to:
(a) Location (5)
(b) Starting arrangement (5)
(c) The loads they can supply and duration (5)
(d) The care and tests required to ensure reliable operation (5)
Q7. with reference to MARPOL 73/78:
a) Explain the purpose of an oil record book? (2)
b) What is the regulation concerning above requirement? (2)
c) What all is recorded in oil record book part-1? (2)
d) What is SOPEP? (2)
e) What are the contents of a SOPEP locker? (4)
f) Prepare a Pre-Bunkering checklist. (4)
g) Precautions to be taken during bunkering (4)
Q2. With reference to the ISPS Code state the following.
(a) Duties of ship's security officer (8)
(b) Shipping company's responsibilities (6)
(c) Certificate issued as per the code and its validity (6)
Q9. i) Explain the purpose of emergency escape from ship's engine room. How many escape routes are required? (8)
ii) What are the requirements under SOLAS for emergency escape routes from engine room. (8)
iii) What is EEBD? Why is it provided at the entrance to escape routes. (6)
Q2. i) What is the definition of garbage on ships and what all types of garbage are there onboard. (8)
ii) Which Annex of MARPOL is concerned with the prevention of pollution from garbage? Name any certificate/record associated with needs to be carried on ship. (6)
iii) Name the special areas under the Marpol Annex related to Garbage. (6)
Q2. Describe the periodic checks which should be made on a fixed CO2 fire extinguishing system installed on a ship and reasons for the same. (20)
Q3. State the difference between flag State control and port State control (PSC). Under which international Conventions Port State control can be exercised. What do you understand by Memorandum of understanding in respect of PSC? (20)
Q4. The taking of bunkers is an important aspect of an Engineer's responsibility. (20)
(a) State the safety precautions that should be observed when bunkering.
(b) Explain the importance of taking samples when bunkering.
(c) Explain a preferred method of taking samples.
(d) State the effect of EACH of the following in a fuel oil:
i) High density
ii) High pour point
iii) High water content
Q4. i) What do you understand by Nox and Sox emissions? (6)
ii) Name the source from where they originate and how? (6)
iii) Briefly discuss, as to how these emissions are dealt with? (8)
Q6. i) Name the different causes of fire, originating in machinery space. What is auto ignition and explain how it occurs. (5)
ii) Name some of the methods for detecting fire. (5)
iii) Name some of the methods for containment of fire. (5)
iv) What are the methods available for extinguishing fire. (5)
Q9. With respect to gravity lifeboat davits: Describe and state the purpose of:
i) Centrifugal brakes (5)
ii) Deadman's Handle (5)
iii) Limit switches on Davits. (5)
iv) Onload release gear. (5)
Q5. Give in detail the verification process a port state Control officer may carry out with respect to the following:
i) Emergency Generator (5)
ii) Auxiliary steering Gear (5)
iii) Lifeboat engine. (5)
iv) Bilge pump. (5)
Q9. i) Explain the term communication skills and explain as to why it is important? (10)
ii) What are the different types of communication skills practiced on ships? Name and explain their usefulness. (6)
iii) What is feedback and explain as to why it is one of critical communication skills (4)
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