Q7. State the difference between flag Stat control and port State control (PSC., under which International Conventions can port State control be exercised. What do you understand by Memorandum of Understanding in respect of PSC? Name the different MOU’s.
Q2. With regard to minimum requirements for seafarers to work on a ship, as per MLC 2006, Write short notes on the following :-
A) Seafarers’ employment agreements (5)
B) Entitlement to leave and repatriation
C) Seafarer compensation in the event of a ship’s loss or foundering (5)
D) Career and skill development (5)
Q3. With reference to the pumping of cargo tanks of chemical tankers-
A. Sketch and describe an arrangement used with the cargo pump or independently of the pump, to facilitate tank drainage; (10)
B. State significant regulation which will assist in reducing pollution of sea by chemical cargoes. (10)
Q3: With reference to Regulation 12 of SOLAS Chapter XII, dealing with Water Level Detection and Alarm Systems to spaces:
A. Type of ships Water Level Detection and Alarm System is required to be installed. (7)
B. Brief description of such installation. (6)
C. Requirements with respect to detection system. (4)
D. Requirements with respect to an alarm system. (3)
Q5. (a) What different methods are used for preserving ship’s hull during service. What type of antifouling coats are used. (8)
(b) State what materials are being banned by international regulation for use in Antifouling coats and the reason for banning. (6)
(c) Discuss briefly how does paint coating on deck differ from that on super structure. (6)
Q6. With reference to survey and certification of ship, briefly discuss the following
a) Harmonization of survey and certification (5)
b) Enhanced survey programme (ESP) surveys for bulk carriers and oil tankers (5)
c) Condition monitoring of tail shaft propeller shaft (5)
d) Periodical survey of ship (5)
Q7) Regulation 13F Annex I of MARPOL73/78 deals with prevention of oil pollution in the event of collision or stranding. Describe a double hull type of construction and sate if any other type of construction provides equivalent protection (20)
Q8. Sketch and describe the following detectors, explaining their mode of operation and Stating where they would be fitted in the machinery spaces:
(a) Heat Detector
(b) combustion or smoke detector.
State the regulations that govern the fixing of these detectors. (20)
Q2. The international Safety Management (ISM) Code requires involvement and responsibility of the company in enforcing “emergency preparedness” procedures for a ship and its personnel. What advantage does it have under ISM Code? Describe the duties of the company in: - A. Forming the emergency team; B. Emergency situations; C. Maintaining contact between ship and office. D. Use of ship’s relevant information.
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