Q1. Express your reactions and state the subsequent investigation you would make if a laboratory report on a used diesel engine oil sample indicated the presence of appreciable amounts of: (16)
A. Iron
B. Copper, Antimony and Tin
C. Silicon.
Q5. A single forged shaft for a small gear pump is broken in the middle. Suggest some emergency repairs to the shaft to enable run the pump. State the type of repair and procedure for carrying out the repair. What is the most viable alternative to repair if no spares are available?
Q7. With reference to sea water cooled multi-tubular heat exchangers state: - (a) The materials used for the construction of tubes, tube plate and water boxes. (b) The various types of corrosion that the part in (a) are subjected to. (c) Measures employed to reduce or prevent above corrosion.
Q3. With reference to a cylindrical boiler which has undergone major repairs, explain: - A. How is the boiler prepared for carrying out hydraulic test? B. What is the test pressure to which boiler is subjected to? C. What inspection should be made before, during and after the test?
Q2. As a second engineer, you are required to offer for survey, to a Classification Society, a crosshead of the engine following an unscheduled repair due to bearing failure.
A. Outline the information you would be required to provide prior to the survey. (6)
B. Briefly describe the survey procedure likely to be adopted stating with reasons the areas which should receive close attention. (5)
C. State with reasons what information would be requested by the surveyor and /or the operation required to be observed after re-assembly of the crosshead. (5)
Q6. Give a reasoned explanation why some marine diesel engines might continue to run ahead on the astern cams following a reversal of the controls. Sketch and describe an arrangement designed to prevent this happening.
Q2. A. As Second Engineer, outline your instructions to members of the ship’s engineering staff for inspection of the main engine timing chain; B. The inspection in A. has revealed that the roller chain needs replacement. Describe how this is achieved.
Q1. Describe briefly the methods of carrying out a bend test and an impact test. Illustrate the general form of the test pieces used and state how the final results are given for comparison of different materials. Of what practical use are the figures obtained?
Q7. What is Rocking test of Deck Crane? Explain the procedure of rocking test. Tabulate and indicate fault finding procedure. What is the action taken if deviation is out of limit?
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