Q1. i) How do ships contribute to marine pollution? Name a few potential marine pollution sources. (8)
ii) What is the impact of shipping operations on the environment? (6)
iii) How can shipping pollution be reduced? Name some of the measures which could help. (6)
Q3. i) Name the gases usually found inside enclosed space? (6)
ii) What instruments are used in detecting/checking the gases which are present (6)
iii) What is the minimum level of oxygen required for entry into enclosed space. (2)
iv) With a simple diagram, explain the working of oxygen content meter. (6)
Q3. i) Explain the purpose of hot work permit. (5)
ii) State the different types of work permit used on ships and their utility. (5)
iii) Explain cold work permit. What types of jobs require cold work permit. (5)
iv) Prepare a checklist for issuance of hot work permit. (5)
Q2. i) Name the different classes of fire, with examples. Name the appropriate extinguishing agents in each case. (10)
ii) Explain the term explosion? (5)
iii) What is BLEVE, expand same and explain its mechanism. (5)
Q5. i) What is a fire control plan (F.C.P)? and what information does it provide? (5)
ii) State 5nos. graphic symbols shown in the plan and state the language in which the plan is drafted. (5)
iii) Mention the locations at which the FCP is displayed? (5)
iv) Where is the plan kept for the benefit of the shore fire-fighting team? (5)
Q6. Write short notes on following, concerning lifeboats:
i) Marking on lifeboats. (5)
ii) Davit limit switches. (5)
iii) Centrifugal brakes. (5)
iv) Safeties provided on lifeboat davits. (5)
Q7. i) Explain the function of IMO as one of UN specialised agencies. (6)
ii) Briefly explain the structure of IMO including the main committees. (7)
iii) Explain the process of adopting a convention at IMO. (7)
Q8. i) Explain the purpose of 'FLAG STATE INSPECTION' (FSI) and why it is carried out? (5)
ii) Name the list of items checked during FSI. (5)
iii) What documents are issued after FSI. (5)
iv) What is the frequency at which FSI is required to be carried out. (5)
Q9. i) Sketch and describe, International Loadline mark painted on both sides of the vessel, including dimensions and distances for an oceangoing vessel. (10)
ii) What is Fresh water allowance? Explain WNA line. (10)
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