Q1. Explain the following terms used by the classification societies.
a) Anniversary date. b) Condition of class. c) Window period for survey. d) Memoranda e) Addition note. f) Statutory recommendation.
Q2. With reference to Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006, briefly discuss the following:
a) Minimum requirements for seafarers working on a ship. B) Conditions of employment. c) Accommodation and recreational facilities. d) Health protection, welfare, and social security protection.
Q3. Explain the purpose of NOx Technical Code and its applicability to marine diesel engines. (7)
b) Explain certification requirements under NOx Technical Code. (6)
c) Explain the purpose of NOx technical file and its importance (6)
Q4. Fire protection for the accommodation spaces of passenger vessels incorporates means of detection, fighting and containment to reduce the spread of any fire.
A. Describe the means of detection and firefighting commonly installed;
B. State how the spread of fire is prevented and how the containment is used with the firefighting and detection arrangement to locate the fire.
Q6. A. Describe information which is available in the record which is attached as a supplement to the IOPP Certificate, for a bulk carriers and oil tanker.
B. What are the provisions for engine room under MARPOL 73/78 Annex -1, for large ocean-going vessels?
C. What is IBC Code and what Certificates are issued under the Code and to which ship?
Q6. A. Describe a vacuum sewage system;
B. With reference to the system described in (A) - i. State ONE advantage of the system;
ii. State why a holding tank may be required to be fitted to the system;
iii. State the problems resulting from the retention of untreated sewage in a holding tank.
Q7) Illustrating differences between major nonconformity, nonconformity, hazardous occurrence and near miss situations, show with examples steps taken by you as Second Engineer in each case for successful handling of the situations.
Q8. With reference to Annex V of MARPOL 73/78, concerned with the prevention of pollution of the sea by garbage from ships:
A. Define the following terms; (i) Garbage; (ii) Nearest land; (iii) Special areas:
B. State the regulations governing the disposal of garbage outside special areas.
Q2. A. A hydraulically operated ballast tank valve situated in the duct keel has failed to close. State as Second Engineer your procedure for directing safe entry by engine room staff to the duct keel to ascertain the cause and possibility to carry out a repair.
B. State if any procedure is to be followed before making an entry, and the relevant IMO code under which such procedures are required
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