Q4. Describe the following non-destructive test methods:
a) Dye penetration test principle, and method in details. (8)
b) Magnetic particle testing principle and method in detail. (8)
Q2. Describe the following process with the steels.
(a) Annealing (4)
(b) Normalising (4)
(c) Quenching (4)
(d) Tempering (4)
Q3. With diagrammatic sketches, describe following joints used in welding.
(a) Butt joint (4)
(b) T-joint (4)
(c) Lap joint (4)
(d) Corner joints (4)
Q8. a) Describe by drawing a suitable diagram, Bilge water System of an ocean-going ship. Name each part/equipment with its function. (10)
b) Describe problems associated with Bilge water system and their solutions. (6)
Q7. a) Describe following terms used for pumps,
i) Flow Rate. (2)
ii) Pressure. (2)
iii) Head. (2)
iv) Net Positive Suction Head. (2)
b) During watch keeping round what checks are required on a running centrifugal pump? (8)
Q9. (a) What is Accumulation of pressure test for Boiler and what is its purpose? (6)
(b) Describe the detailed procedure for an Accumulation of pressure test. (10)
Q7. (a) What mountings are installed on a 4-stroke auxiliary engine cylinder head (6)
(b) Describe the procedure for lifting auxiliary engine cylinder head. (10)
Q8. Describe actions to be taken with reasons for the following malfunction on auxiliary boiler.
(a) Pilot burner does not fire (4)
(b) Efficiency of boiler is low (4)
(c) Low water level in boiler (4)
(d) Flame failure. (4)
Q9. Describe the procedure for flooding of DRY DOCK after completion of drydocking. Describe all the precautions to be taken on the ship prior flooding of the drydock. (16)
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