Q1. a) Describe the routine testing required for self-contained breathing apparatus sets. (10)
b) Describe the procedure to be adopted to find missing personnel in a smoke-filled accommodation area. (10)
Q2. Describe an emergency electrical power generating plant for use in the event of a complete failure of the main electrical power and make reference to -
a) Location (4)
b) Starting arrangements (4)
c) Fuel oil and its supply (4)
d) Cooling system (4)
e) Periodic attention required (4)
Q3. a) Where would you expect to find a Dry Powder Extinguisher? (3)
b) What safety Equipment should there be at a Bunker Station? (3)
c) Why is an Alarm Sounded when CO2 is released into the Engine Room? (3).
d) State the capabilities of a Ships Main Fire Pump. (3)
e) What is regarded as an enclosed space? (3)
f) What is Boundary cooling and the reasons for it? (3)
g) What all pumps in the Engine Room would supply the Fire Main? (2)
Q7. a) Sketch a simple line diagram showing a shipboard oil-water separator in series with a coalescing second stage. (10)
b) Describe the arrangement and operation of the separator sketched in (a). (10)
Q5. With reference to bunkering on board vessel describe the following
a) Initial preparation for H.O. & D.O. bunkering. (7)
b) Precautions for overflow during bunkering. (7)
c) Method of taking soundings during bunkering and operation of line valves (6)
Q6. Write short notes on
a) Garbage Record Book. (5)
b) Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78. (5)
c) SOPEP. (5)
d) ODS Record Book. (5)
Q7. With reference to port state Control
a) List the certificates which a port State Control officer may like to see during inspection. (8)
b) What do you understand by the following (12)
(i) Clear Grounds
(ii) Detailed inspection of the ship
(iii) Operational Control
(iv) Suspension of inspection
Q8. What you understand by ISPS code. What are the functions of the SSO, CSO & PFSO. (20)
Q9. Briefly state requirement of the following certificates as per the IMO Conventions, and what are their validity periods:
a) DOC and SMC (8)
b) SAFCON (6)
c) IOPP (6)
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