Q1. Describe the procedure for:
(a) Rivetting two plates. (6)
(b) Removing a rivet from the plates. (4)
(c) Tools required. (4)
Q2. (a) Describe equipment used in gas cutting operation.
(b) What is combination cutting torch. (4)
(c) Describe how Acetylene gas is kept stored in cylinders. (4)
(d) What precautions are taken with Acetylene & Oxygen Cylinders, while in storage and in working condition. (4)
Q3. (a) Describe required properties of cutting tools. (8)
(b) Describe materials used for making cutting tools. (8)
Q4. (a) Describe uses of compressed air onboard the ship. (6)
(b) Describe maintenance schedule of various systems on main air compressor. (6)
(c) Describe Isolation procedure of main air compressor before starting any work (4)
Q5. (a) Describe why priming is required for centrifugal pumps, with diagrammatic sketch describe working of primer for centrifugal pump. (10)
(b) Why balance holes are provided in the impeller? (6)
Q3. Work is being carried out in drydock on a large sea water inlet chest and the valves. Describe the inspection you would carry out:
(a) As the work starts (8)
(b) During and after the work. (8)
Q7.a) Describe how A. E, crankshaft deflections are measured. (6)
b) State how the measurements can be checked for accuracy. (5)
c) Specify with reasons other checks that should be made on the crankshaft. (5)
Q8. Describe the procedure for the regular maintenance routines to be carried out on the various types of portable fire extinguisher on ships. (16)
Q9. With reference to exhaust valves of an auxiliary diesel engine.
(a) Describe how valves are reconditioned (8)
(b) Explain how valve timing is checked and corrected. (8)
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