Q6. With reference to MEPC 76, the combined technical and operational approaches to improve energy efficiency of ships and GHG reduction measures, explain the below mentioned new requirements:
(a) Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index(EEXI)
(b) Carbon Intensity Indicator(CII) and CII rating.
Q3. Discuss the capital, voyage and operating costs of ship operation and explain Chief Engineer’s role in optimizing them. What are the modern management principles used in Inventory control?
Q3. Assume a collision occurs between an oil tanker and a bulk carrier in an Indian port.
(a)Discuss the convention under which the ship owners can be liable for shore clean-up and compensation costs assuming oil is spilt from both ships.
(b)Explain whether the liability is "strict" and also exemptions available to both ship owners.
Q7. A. What are the principles of modern salvage law?
B. What is General Average,
C. Explain with context to General Average, i. Entitlement; ii. Artificial; iii. Adjustment; iv. Contestation
Q5. (a) Describe with the aid of a sketch the release arrangement for a machinery space fixed fire-fighting installation using the CO2. State in your answer any special need for rapid delivery of the gas and the time permitted for discharge.
(b) Explain precautions to be taken prior release of CO2.
(c) During the weighment of CO2, if few bottles are found less than the original capacity. State the reasons for the same and checks / tests to be made prior refilling.
(d) With reference to MSC1 /Circ. 1318 / Rev.1, high pressure cylinders (CO2 bottles) are subjected to an internal inspection and hydrostatic test. State the stipulated criteria for such hydrostatic test and periodic test interval of high-pressure cylinders (CO2 bottles).
Q8. Hull & Propeller maintenance is gaining popularity with the recent high stress on the energy efficiency of ships. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Hull Roughness Management. (6)
(b) Condition Based Propeller Maintenance. (5)
(c) Propeller Coating & Polishing. (5)
Q8. Socio cultural differences have been an accepted fact in major merchant ships around the globe. Explain how such differences generate inter personnel conflicts and effective safety management, how they can be resolved on board.
Q5. How many types of warranties are there in Marine Insurance? Give an example of each type with reference to a hull and machinery policy of insurance.
Q6. Referring generally to a general Ballast Water Treatment (BWT) System, explain;
a. Requirements related to construction and technical performance.
b. Requirements related to onboard installation of the system.
c. Special requirements for tankers and ships carrying dangerous chemicals.
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