Q1.a) The UMS monitoring and control system of your ship has recently started to give false alarms and incorrect data printouts. State, with reasons, possible causes if the false alarms and readings are:
i) Localised to a particular area of engine operation
ii) General to the engine room
b) State, with reasons, the action you, as Second Engineer, would take to ensure continued safe operation of the vessel if the defects were general to the engine room
c) Explain the procedure you, as Second Engineer, would adopt in order to locate and rectify a general fault in the UMS system.
Q2.a) State the circumstances that may lead to hollow rudder becoming flooded.
b) Describe how flooding of the rudder may become evident when a vessel is on Passage.
c) Describe the procedure for:
(i) Rudder examination:
(ii) Rudder repair:
Q3. With reference to fatigue in crankshafts explain:
a) Why, larger shafts are more susceptible to fatigue failure than their smaller Counterparts.
b) With sketches how it is inhibited in practice.
c) How it is identified in its initial, intermediate and final stages prior to failure.
Q4. a) State what is meant by machinery condition monitoring
b) Describe how typical shipboard condition monitoring is carried out
c) State how the information obtained by monitoring may be used to indicate Machinery condition trends.
Q3. With reference to fixed CO2 system for fighting machinery space fires:
a) Sketch a CO2 bottled system.
b) How the number of CO2 bottles required for ship is calculated?
c) Explain how the system sketched in part (a) is protected from overpressure.
d) Describe the periodic maintenance required. (16)
Q9. A. Briefly explain the term fatigue and explain how fatigue failure occur;
B. State the difference between high stress / low cycle and low stress / high cycle fatigue giving an example of each;
C. State how defect in metal can influence the expected safe life of a component;
D. State how fuel injection timing and cylinder power balance can influence the possibility of fatigue cracks developing in the bedplate.
Q7. The steering gear operation of a vessel that recently experienced a heavy storm is found to be abnormally sluggish.
a) State the reasons for possible malfunction of the gear.
b) State the corrective actions that may be carried out at sea, that will allow the vessel to continue to the nearest port.
Q8. With reference to the lubrication of refrigeration compressors:
a) State the advantage of using fully synthetic oils
b) Explain why oil may be carried over from the compressor
c) Describe a device which returns oil from the compressor discharge to the compressor sump
d) State the reasons why an accumulation of oil in the evaporator is undesirable.
Q9. With reference to a water tube boiler :
a) State the indication that a tube is leaking.
(i) When the amount of leakage is small.
(ii) When the amount of leakage is large.
b) If the failed tube is located within the tube bank.
(i) How can it be identified.
(ii) Describe immediate actions and temporary repairs done.
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