Q1. Maritime industries have taken several initiatives to explore new digital technologies and "Blockchain Technology" is one of such initiatives. With brief introduction on the principles of Blockchain, explain the following:-
a) Advantages of using the distributive ledger technology in the shipping industry.
b) Challenges in implementation of Blockchain in Maritime Sector.
c) How can Blockchain move the shipping industry toward sustainability.
Q5. What are the perils of the sea which are covered in a Marine Insurance contract? What can an insured do to cover a peril other than an insured peril of the sea? Explain with examples. Also enumerate the perils which are covered under a marine insurance contract, but the onus of proof is upon the insurers to prove the assured's want of "due diligence" to avoid the claim. (16)
Q3. A grounded ship has been re-float-ed and towed by a professional salvor to a place of safety. As per the Salvage Convention the salvor has a right to award;
a) List the various criteria which are considered under Article 13 of the Convention for determining the amount of award
b) State the duties of the salvor and the shipowner/master as per this Convention, and
c) Assuming LOF-2000 was agreed between the parties, discuss when is the Convention applicable and when the LOF if any dispute arises.
Q4. What is Decarbonisation in shipping? Briefly discuss the IMO decarbonisation ambitions and pathways with focus on the short term, mid-term and long tern goals. Explain the two short-term measures approved by the IMO for implementation with their guidelines
Q5. Explain the role of Classification society acting as Recognized Organization (RO) in carrying out statutory surveys. What is the criteria for approval of a R.O. by the Administration? Can the statutory surveys and classification surveys be done simultaneously by one classification society? How do Administrations monitor R.O.s.
6. (a) “LNG is the future fuel for shipping” Justify your views elaborating the cost, environment-friendliness, operational and maintenance perspectives.
(b) Referring to the Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code) from the IMO, describe the arrangements for storage, installation, monitoring and control of ships using gas and other low-flash points fuels.
Q7. Improving efficiency of propellers is recognized as a growing means to improve energy efficiency of ships. Discuss any three of the following high-efficiency propellers with its merits and demerits:
a) Ducted Propellers
b) Kappel Propellers
c) Cortra rotating Propellers.
d) Azimuth Propulsion.
Q8. (a) Elaborate the objectives and the requirements of Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009.
(b) What all measures have to be taken by India to implement the convention on Indian flagged ships and foreign ships being scrapped in Indian scrapyards.
Q7. Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) is being widely used in the rule making processes of IMO. Narrate the objectives, characteristics and processes of the FSA, with specific explanation regarding Hazard Identification, Risk Analysis and Cost Benefit Assessment.
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