Q2. State the UNCLOS requirements for member States,
(a) to register ships flagged with them and
(b) to control safety, pollution and civil /social aspects of ships.
(c) What mechanism is used in India to comply with these requirements?
Q1. Define communication. Enumerate and discuss the different types of communications. Discuss the various barriers to effective communication.
You are doing a main engine decarbonisation and the work is carried out in two groups, one working on the cylinder head platform and the other group working in the bottom platform. Identify the areas in this operation where there can be a hazard due to failure of communication. Also suggest risk mitigation measures to mitigate the hazard of failure of communication.
Q3. With reference to port State control inspection;
(A) What are "clear grounds" and "ISM related deficiencies" for a Port State Control Officer to conduct a more detailed inspection of the ship?
(B) List out some deficiencies which may arise out of the PSC inspection of the vessel with respect to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships, Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM), which may lead to detention of the vessel.
C. Explain whether a foreign vessel with serious deficiencies regarding the Ballast Water treatment system can be detained by the Indian PSCO. Provide reasoned response for your answer.
Q7. A. What are P&I clubs? Describe how P&I clubs collect fund from ship-owners;
B. What are the risks that are covered under the term “protection” and “indemnity?”
Q3. Briefly discuss the reasons for Bulk-Carrier losses in the early 1990s and explain, how provisions detailed in Chapter XII of SOLAS 74 as amended will contribute towards the safety of Bulk-Carrier?
Q8.You are deputed by your company to a shipyard for taking delivery of a new ship fitted with an intelligent engine for main propulsion. Assuming that you have never worked on these engines, enumerate:
A. How you would ascertain the items that need to be personally examined by you, &,
B. How you would carry out the examining of each item stated at ‘A.’ Confine you answers for ‘A. & ‘B.’ with respect to the main propulsion only.
Q5. With the latest emission control requirements, storage & purification of marine fuel oils on board has become a challenge for chief engineers. Against this background, discuss: a) Challenges with the traditional fuel purification systems on exiting ships. b) Advanced computer-based fuel cleaning system. c) Fuel storage and stability issues. d) Fuel oil additives & treatments.
Q9. (a) Describe the background and relevance of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001.
(b)Define the following under Bunker Convention and explain how they differ from other similar Convention such as CLC’92.
(i) Pollution damage
(ii) Bunker oil
(iii) Time limits for claims
(iv) Exclusions.
Q7. A. What are the principles of modern salvage law?
B. What is General Average,
C. Explain with context to General Average, i. Entitlement; ii. Artificial; iii. Adjustment; iv. Contestation
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