Q1. With specific to reference to any make, sketch and describe the Cylinder Lubricating System used in new generation marine diesel engines. How will you effect the optimum cylinder oil feed with varying sulphur content of fuel oil.
Q1. With regards to ordering and receiving fuel bunker on board answer the following; A. The importance of correct bunker specification including the relevant ISO standard; B. How will you ensure that a representative sample is drawn during bunkering; C. How will you ensure that in case of bunker disputes especially with regards to quality the sample from the vessel will be acceptable for verification?
Q3. Discuss the capital, voyage and operating costs of ship operation and explain Chief Engineer’s role in optimizing them. What are the modern management principles used in Inventory control?
Q2. A. With respect to refrigeration gases used on board vessels answer the following; B. Explain ozone depleting potential of conventional ref gases; C. Name alternative refrigeration gases available and being used on board; D. Explain the steps you will take to ensure that release of refrigeration gases from the plant is minimized during normal operation and during maintenance activities.
Q3. A. Explain the following modern methods of turbo charging - i. Pulse converter system; ii. Sequential turbo charging; iii. 2 stage turbo charging; iv. Variable geometry turbo charger.
Q1. With respect to Energy Efficiency Design Index explain in details the following;
A. Required Energy Efficiency Design Index;
B. Attained Energy Efficiency Design Index;
Q9. Explain the significance of propeller curves. Enumerate the safety margins in relation to the propeller operations.
Q4. State the different types of marine insurance policies that could be taken by owners, shippers or other related parties. Explain the salient liabilities and exclusions related with each case for an insurer. Name the various agencies in India which deal with marine insurance policies.
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