Q6. Referring to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 discuss:
a) Minimum requirements for sea farers to work on a ship;
b) Conditions of Employment;
c) Compliance and enforcement of the convention.
Q3. a) Although it is possible to remove CO2 from exhaust gases e.g by chemical conversion, yet this is not considered feasible onboard a ship. Briefly describe the reasons.
b) Emissions reduction technologies are mainly relevant to pollutants within exhaust gases i.e NOx, Sox, PM, CH4, NMVOC. Describe briefly the technological options for reducing these emissions.
Q5. A). What are the functional requirements of ISM Code.
B). What are the objectives of ISM internal Audit of a ship? How as internal Audit helps in External Audit Of a vessel? Name the salient issues addressed in Internal Audit and the minimum frequency of such an audit to be carried out on board a ship during the five year validity of the ship Safety Management Certificate.
C). How can you ensure that the copy of DOC issued to the company and is placed onboard is relevant to your ship?
Q7. With the aid of a sketch explain the difference between international load line marketing and sub division load line marketing. How will you prepare your ship for renewal load line survey?
Q4. With the introduction of new generation of super-long stroke engines and changed process parameters triggered by environmental compliance rules, “Cold Corrosion” of cylinder liners has grown to become a major issue for the latest generation of two-stroke engines. Discuss the causes and mitigation measures, stressing on the following:
A. Increased Jacket Cooling Water Temperatures Systems
B. New Cylinder Liner designs
C. New Cylinder Lubricators
Q7. (A). Explain Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) with relevant examples.
(B). Construct the Fault tree for “Engine Starting Failure” i.e., the engine speed goes down and finally stops.
Q9. (a) Describe the background and relevance of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001.
(b)Define the following under Bunker Convention and explain how they differ from other similar Convention such as CLC’92.
(i) Pollution damage
(ii) Bunker oil
(iii) Time limits for claims
(iv) Exclusions.
Q3. With reference to port State control inspection;
(A) What are "clear grounds" and "ISM related deficiencies" for a Port State Control Officer to conduct a more detailed inspection of the ship?
(B) List out some deficiencies which may arise out of the PSC inspection of the vessel with respect to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships, Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM), which may lead to detention of the vessel.
C. Explain whether a foreign vessel with serious deficiencies regarding the Ballast Water treatment system can be detained by the Indian PSCO. Provide reasoned response for your answer.
Q1. To operate engines in compliance with the new Sulphur limits in Sulphur emission control areas (SECAs) and to prepare the engine and auxiliaries for the changes in fuel characteristics, is a challenge for owners, operators and crews. From the Chief engineer’s perspective, explain the following briefly:
(a) Cylinder lubrication strategies;
(b) Cat-fines related issues;
(c) Fuel change-over procedures.
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