Q7. There are approximately ten days of a voyage remaining for a ship before reaching port and the chemicals intended for the boiler water treatment are found unfit for further use.
A. Describe, with reasons, how the boiler and plant can be best protected whilst steaming before a fresh supply of chemicals is received.
B. Upon arrival at the port describe any inspection and precautions that may be necessary before proceeding.
Q7. With reference to lifeboats, Sketch and describe:
A. The handbrake used for lowering and state how it may be tested.
B. The centrifugal brake and method of testing.
C. A roller ratchet and the method of testing;
D. Why is ratchet incorporated into the system;
Q3. I. Sketch line diagram of a mechanical low expansion high density foam firefighting system suitable for protecting the machinery spaces and decks of a large tanker. II. Describe this system. B. With regard to a foam firefighting system state and ONE important action must be taken after the system has been used.
Q2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of adopting the following policies for maintenance of main and auxiliary diesel engines.
A. Planned maintenance.
B. Condition monitoring.
C. Periodic replacement of components.
D. Break down maintenance (16)
Q8. Explain how EACH of the following hull defects should be dealt with;
(a) A cracked weld;
(b) A severe indentation in way of a frame;
(c) Surfaces suffering from general corrosion although the extent of wastage does not warrant plate replacement;
(d) A bilge keel fractured at the forward end.
Q7. A. With the aid of a simple sketch, explain the operation of a basic air-conditioning unit. B. With reference to your sketch, explain the following: - i. How the problem of increase in humidity on cooled air is overcome; ii. How discomfort caused by the excessive drying effect of heated air is overcome. C. Explain how a psychometric chart is used to check conditions.
Q7. Sketch and describe a system of control for manoeuvring a main diesel engine from the bridge and show how local control may be effected in case of breakdown of the system.
Q8: With reference to medium speed diesel engines describe how as a second engineer officer would you carry out each of the following: A. Check engine performance during operation B. Establish the condition of the lubricating oil. C. Monitor the general condition of the engine during voyage.
Q3: Your ship after having been accidentally grounded was taken to a dry-dock for inspection and necessary repairs. What defects would you look for in the following parts, that may have sustained damage due to grounding and suggest methods of repairs and tests that may be required to be carried out to the defects noticed:
A. Propeller and tail end shaft.
B. Main engine crankshaft.
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