Q1. The "Lakshadweep islands" and the "Andaman and Nicobar Islands' are known for their critical habitat and required to be protected from Marine pollution. Describe briefly how these islands could be protected from marine pollution. Explain briefly the term "Particularly Sensitive Sea Area". Describe briefly the various criteria associated for identification and designation of a PSSA.
Q2. Discuss the significance of ballast water management systems onboard the ships operating in international waters with respect to the impact of ballast water on marine pollution.
Q3. A) How is the power to weight ratio of an engine sought to be increased by continuous development? Discuss the limiting factors, what is the typical power to weight ratio of a slow speed marine diesel engine of current generation?
B) Discuss the importance of turbocharger compression ratio in increasing the MEP. Why is it necessary to introduce two stage turbo-charging?
Q4. Referring to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006, discuss:
a) Flag State & Port State responsibilities.
b)On-board & On-shore Compliant Procedures.
c) Detainable deficiencies.
d) Grievance Redressal Mechanisms for Indian seafarers.
Q5. A) Discuss the merits and demerits of longitudinal framing system.
B. Explain with a sketch the type of loads and failure mechanisms that are significant for the longitudinal strength of the hull girder for a bulk carrier.
Q6. Compare STCW 2010 with STCW 1995. Discuss the provisions of amendments to the STCW Convention that intend to improve the technical interpersonal competence of seafarers.
Q4. State the different types of marine insurance policies that could be taken by owners, shippers or other related parties. Explain the salient liabilities and exclusions related with each case for an insurer. Name the various agencies in India which deal with marine insurance policies.
Q8. During an external ISM audit of your ship, a Non-Conformity (NC) was raised by the auditor. The statement of the NC raised was "There is an objective evidence to prove that the established procedures, plans and instructions including checklists for key shipboard operations have not been effectively implemented" and the objective evidence was that the checklist for bunkering operation was not sighted. As a chief engineer on-board the ship describe your actions to close the NC.
Q2. What are the UNCLOS provisions concerning ship’s flag and nationality? In observation of UNCLOS what the duties are of flag States and how is it enforced?
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