Q1. A fire in the exhaust gas boiler on a motor ship may develop in two or three stages. With reference to such situations; discuss: A. The factors which could be responsible for initiation and development of: i) Ignition of soot; ii) Small soot fires; iii) High temperature fires; B. State the standing instruction you, as Second Engineer Officer, would issue to watch keepers with respect to the action to be taken in the event of a boiler uptake fire.
Q4. Sketch a line diagram of an automatic water sprinkler, fire detecting alarm and extinguishing system type fitted in accommodation and service spaces of a passenger vessel. for accommodation spaces; B. Describe the operation of this system; C. State the action that should be taken after the use of the above firefighting system.
Q2. A. A hydraulically operated ballast tank valve situated in the duct keel has failed to close. State as Second Engineer your procedure for directing safe entry by engine room staff to the duct keel to ascertain the cause and possibility to carry out a repair.
B. State if any procedure is to be followed before making an entry, and the relevant IMO code under which such procedures are required
Q2. What are NOX & SOX limitations as per Annex VI of MARPOL. B. Briefly describe methods to control NOx emission and SOX emission.
Q5. Receiving of bunkers is an important aspect of a Senior Engineers responsibility, A. Stale the safety precautions that should be observed when bunkering; B. Explain the importance of taking samples when bunkering; C. Explain a preferred method of taking samples, D. State the effect of each in a fuel oil – i. High density; ii. High pour point; iii. High water content
Q5. With reference to oil content monitoring of bilge or tanker discharges: A. Describe with the aid of a sketch the general arrangement of an oil monitoring system; B. State the inputs that are recorded; C. Differentiate between monitoring chambers using direct light and those using scattered light d) Explain the problem to be overcome in the design of monitoring systems.
Q3. a) What do you understand by the terms Convention, Protocol, Amendments? State in which order these will be adopted by the IMO? (10)
b) What procedure is nowadays followed for putting the amendments into effect? (10)
Q6. Write short notes on - A. Role of Recognized Organization (Classification Societies) on ship; B. Enhanced survey program (ESP); C. Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) for oil tankers.
Q7. Why is ballast water treatment important and needed? What regulations are guiding BWT? B. What is current status of the IMO BWM convention ratification and what is included in the certification and type approval process?
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