Q6. A. Define the'-meaning of the term "conditions of assignment" as applied to ships; B. State how conditions of assignment contribute towards the watertight integrity of ships; C. Give reasons why conditions of assignment need periodic inspection, giving specific instances where they can be found to be less than fully effective.
Q3. (a) Elaborate some of the technological innovations adopted / developed to improve plant efficiency of ships propulsion engine?
(b) Describe fuel injection system in the cam shaft less engines of any one of the two major slow speed engine makers. Highlight the improvements possible when compared with the traditional systems.
Q2. What are the UNCLOS provisions concerning ship’s flag and nationality? In observation of UNCLOS what the duties are of flag States and how is it enforced?
Q5. Discuss a generic model of Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) promulgated by the IMO, with brief explanation on the following terms: (16)
(a) Cost effective indices
(b) Human Reliability Analysis (HRA)
(c) Extended Task Analysis (XTA)
(d) Technique for Human Error rate Prediction (THERP)
(e) Fault & Event Tree Analysis
(f) Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA).
Q7. Exhaust emission control is a major global issue and under serious consideration by world shipping. In this context, comment on the following: - A. Tier 2 and 3 emission regulation on main engine; B. Primary NOx reduction vis-a-vis secondary NOx reduction measures; C. SCR for NOx Emission Reduction; D. Scavenge Air Moisturizing & Exhaust Gas Recirculation for ME.
Q3. A. What is the purpose of annual surveys? B. Give a list of items that would be examined by a surveyor during annual survey. C. Also, explain condition of class. What impact condition of class has on a ship's commercial VS. technical aspects?
Q7. What are the current challenges with Marine Fuel Oil and issues with the current edition of marine fuel specification guidelines {ISO 8217:2012} which is under revision? Explain salient features of the guide lines. With reference to a Fuel oil analysis report. explain relevant corrective actions which can be initiated against various adverse observations in it?
Q8. (a) Discuss, in detail. the main function of a Bill or Lading and explain the reasons for a Bill of lading being made out 'to order' instead of to a named consignee.
(b) A Bill of Lading is said to be evidence of the contract of carriage of goods. Discuss any circumstances when a Bill of Lading may become the actual contract of carriage.
Q9. (A) Describe the salient features of latest IOPP equipment compared with the earlier versions. Discuss the latest guidelines for the mandatory entries to be made in Oil Record Book.
(B) Your ship is fitted with an approved comminuted and disinfected sewage system. State the criteria to be followed for discharge of sewage from such a system and what are the parameters to be considered for deciding the moderate rate of discharge for a particular ship.
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