Q1. To operate engines in compliance with the new Sulphur limits in Sulphur emission control areas (SECAs) and to prepare the engine and auxiliaries for the changes in fuel characteristics, is a challenge for owners, operators and crews. From the Chief engineer’s perspective, explain the following briefly:
(a) Cylinder lubrication strategies;
(b) Cat-fines related issues;
(c) Fuel change-over procedures.
Q2. Referring to the latest IMO “Code on noise level onboard Ships”. Define and explain the following terms
a) A-weighted equivalent sound level b) C-weighted equivalent sound level
c) Sound Pressure Levels d) Weight sound Reduction Index
Q3. Any capital acquisition activity, like a ship acquisition, may be regarded as a four step process. A. Identify the four Steps and briefly explain the activities found in each of these steps. B. Also, there are six methods of ship acquisition. Name them and briefly describe them.
Q5. A. Why is dry-docking referred to as a major event in the maintenance of a ship?
B. As a Chief Engineer explain different steps that need consideration while planning a dry-docking project of a ship due for its first special survey.
Q5. With the latest emission control requirements, storage & purification of marine fuel oils on board has become a challenge for chief engineers. Against this background, discuss: a) Challenges with the traditional fuel purification systems on exiting ships. b) Advanced computer-based fuel cleaning system. c) Fuel storage and stability issues. d) Fuel oil additives & treatments.
Q8. In an unfortunate incident of Main Engine Crank case explosion on your vessel, the main engine was badly damaged and two engine room personnel suffered serious injuries. Explain how you will present the vessel for subsequent inspections by P&I and H&M insurance companies with special emphasis on the records and documents required in each case to ensure that only genuine claims are honored.
Q7. With reference to Port State control enumerate on the following (i) Regional cooperation / agreements. (ii) Future of port State control. (iii) Is port State control an effective tool for ship safety?
Q4. Illustrate the provision kept towards establishing procedures for identification and testing of “critical” equipment under ISM Code. How the list of critical equipment and systems are made and on what factors are they dependent?
Q9. (a) Describe the background and relevance of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001.
(b)Define the following under Bunker Convention and explain how they differ from other similar Convention such as CLC’92.
(i) Pollution damage
(ii) Bunker oil
(iii) Time limits for claims
(iv) Exclusions.
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