Q1. Explain with sketches the various fitments/methods by which the crankcase of large marine diesel engine is protected
Q8. Explain why the use of residual fuels for the operation of large slow speed or of medium speed engines, may be responsible for the following problems with turbocharger nozzles, shrouds and blades and how in each, the problem may be minimized:
A. Build-up of deposits.
B. Hot corrosion.
C. Erosion (16)
Q7. Sketch and Discuss the precautions and protections that are provided to minimize the possibility of a diesel engine crank case explosion and the transmission of dangerous flame into the machinery space;
A. By design and equipment; B. By operating personnel
Q4. Enumerate the causes of vibration in diesel machinery and shafting. Describe procedures by which it may be reduced by operating personnel, suitable design and devices. State the possible effects of vibration on machinery and crewmembers.
Q5. Name the factors an engine designer considers in the selection of the compression ratio for a compression ignition engine. Give some examples of compression ratio values.
Q6. A. State the various types of indicator diagrams that are used to assess engine performance; B. Specify the additional data needed in conjunction with these diagrams; C. Explain, how some abnormalities in indicator diagrams can be traced to the indicator; D. Describe the precautions necessary to avoid indicator malfunctions.
Q7. A. State, with reasons, THREE properties required of crankcase oil which is to be used for a trunk piston main engine.
B. Explain how a representative sample of crankcase oil would be obtained from a trunk piston engine. C. Briefly describe the action to be taken if the crankcase oil charge cannot immediately be replaced and analysis shows – (i) Water is present; (ii) Alkalinity has fallen; (iii) Viscosity has changed appreciably; (iv) Carbon content has increased.
Q6. A. A number of main engine cylinder covers have been subjected to cracking during the preceding four months –
i. Explain possible reasons for this cracking;
ii. State with reasons the action you, as Second Engineer, would take in order to reduce the possibility of future cylinder cover cracking.
B. Cylinder liner wear has increased appreciably during the past six months. Write a brief report to the engineering superintendent concerning this matter explaining the possible causes the immediate action taken to deal with the problem and the action you, as Second Engineer, intend to take in order to reduce the risk of future incidents.
Q9. A. Difficulty has been experienced in maintaining engine speed at the set value; State THREE possible causes. State how each of these causes may be detected.
B. Describe the action to be taken in order to ensure safe operation of the main engine plant in the event of complete failure of the remote control and sensing equipment.
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