Q7. A. Describe with aid of sketches the following types of bedplates as used for a large I.C. engine - i. Bedplate cast in section; ii. Fabricated steel Bedplate B. State the stresses to which these bedplates are subjected and explain how bedplates are secured to the hull of the ship.
Q8. A. Discuss the principal forces a large diesel engine crankshaft must withstand while in service and how the stresses resulting from these forces are kept within acceptable limits by good design and operation criteria; B. Discuss the manner in which the crankshaft may be overstressed and the consequences arising there from.
Q4. Sketch and describe a common rail fuel system as fitted to a diesel engine. How is delivery of the fuel controlled?
Q3. A. Draw an “out of phase” diagram for a large 2-stroke slow speed cycle engine. Describe in detail the part of the cycle showing the diagram. Using the diagram explain the effects of burning liable and low grade fuels (when fuel injection timing is not altered). Explain how good ignition and combustion can be obtained when using low grade fuel.
Q5. Sketch and describe the flywheel for a large diesel engine; State its purpose and indicate how it is fitted; State why a Flywheel can be made lighter on a large diesel engine.
Q8. Explain why the use of residual fuels for the operation of large slow speed or of medium speed engines, may be responsible for the following problems with turbocharger nozzles, shrouds and blades and how in each, the problem may be minimized:
A. Build-up of deposits.
B. Hot corrosion.
C. Erosion (16)
Q8. Describe the method of setting the safety valves of an exhaust gas boiler at sea. A. State the limits in terms of percentage above maximum design working pressure for setting safety valves. B. State the formality necessary when Chief engineer sets the safety valves
Q5. A. As 2nd Engineer describe the procedure involved in the complete inspection of a cylinder liner and piston assembly, indicating areas of significant interest; B. Explain with reasons possible faults which might be found; C. Suggest how such faults might be avoided.
Q9. Describe in detail the causes and conditions that; A. Create an explosive atmosphere in a crankcase; B. Initiate a primary explosion. C. Propagate a secondary explosion; State how hazardous conditions can be avoided.
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