Q1. A junior engineer has joined the ship. Enumerate in detail the issue you would mentor him or her with respect to the following - i. Up keep of his personal safety; ii. Up keep of the safety of his colleagues on board; iii. Technical job, responsibility he need to learn at the earliest; iv. What attention he needs to pay towards energy conversation and; v. His entitlement with regard to human right in a foreign port
Q7. Exhaust emission control is a major global issue and under serious consideration by world shipping. In this context, comment on the following: - A. Tier 2 and 3 emission regulation on main engine; B. Primary NOx reduction vis-a-vis secondary NOx reduction measures; C. SCR for NOx Emission Reduction; D. Scavenge Air Moisturizing & Exhaust Gas Recirculation for ME.
Q3. A. What is the purpose of annual surveys? B. Give a list of items that would be examined by a surveyor during annual survey. C. Also, explain condition of class. What impact condition of class has on a ship's commercial VS. technical aspects?
Q6. With respect to key issue in ship repair contracts, illustrate: A. payment terms; B. ambit of the specification and additional work; C. contract period, liquidated damages and force majeure; D. guarantees and insurance; E. Termination events
Q5. Describe the methodology you will practice during taking over/ handing over of your vessel in a foreign port as a CE towards inventory management of LO/IFO onboard. In case of dispute arising thereof, describe how it can be solved? During the circumstances, how you would ascertain the amount of oil not fit for use?
Q1. A. How will you prepare your ship for a renewal survey of IAPPC International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate! B. Explain with specific emphasis on the records and documents to be maintained; C. Enumerate general requirements for shipboard incinerators, as mentioned in Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78.
Q7. With the aid of a sketch explain the difference between international load line marketing and sub division load line marketing. How will you prepare your ship for renewal load line survey?
Q3. Underlining Marine Insurance Cover, explain (i) Hull & Machinery cover, (ii) P&I Insurance, (iii) Cargo Insurance, (iv) Pollution Liability Insurance.
Q1. A. What do you understand by unseaworthy vessel within the meaning of the MSA 1958 as amended? B. What according to you is the difference between unseaworthy and unsafe ship
C. What are the obligation of the owner to crew with respect seaworthiness?
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