Q1. In relation to sea worthiness of a ship discuss the responsibility and authority of the following stake holder - i. Maritime administration; ii. Recognized organization; iii. Shipowner; iv. Insurance company.
Q2. Now days there is a global trend substituting prescriptive based standards into functional based standards [e.g. part f of solas chapter ii – 21? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of functional phase approach in comparison with prescriptive approach
Q1. A. How will you prepare your ship for a renewal survey of IAPPC International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate! B. Explain with specific emphasis on the records and documents to be maintained; C. Enumerate general requirements for shipboard incinerators, as mentioned in Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78.
Q8. In an unfortunate incident of Main Engine Crank case explosion on your vessel, the main engine was badly damaged and two engine room personnel suffered serious injuries. Explain how you will present the vessel for subsequent inspections by P&I and H&M insurance companies with special emphasis on the records and documents required in each case to ensure that only genuine claims are honored.
Q5. A. Why is dry-docking referred to as a major event in the maintenance of a ship?
B. As a Chief Engineer explain different steps that need consideration while planning a dry-docking project of a ship due for its first special survey.
Q1. Differentiate between third party liability and contractual liability. When may the shipowner seek to limit his ability? List the persons entitled to limit liability and claims entrusted.
Q7. A. What are the principles of modern salvage law?
B. What is General Average,
C. Explain with context to General Average, i. Entitlement; ii. Artificial; iii. Adjustment; iv. Contestation
Q8. A. Apart from statutory surveys, what all other surveys can be undertaken by a classification body for a ship? B. What are the limitation for limitation for the society in these cases? C. Enlist them and emphasize how these cases are taken care of.
Q9. The Paris MOU committee adopted a new inspection regime NIR in 2009 by which a risk profile would be established for each ship based on type age flag company history and psc detainment record. As chief engineer visiting a port under Paris MOU how would you prepare your ship for the visit?
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