Q1. Describe how each of the following procedure may be accomplished by bridge control equipment for a direct reversing 2 stroke diesel engines - Setting the direction of rotation; Starting; Controlling speed
Q7. With reference to auxiliary diesel engines, suggest probable causes that would create EACH of the following conditions and state how they would be rectified: A. Knocking; B. Loss of power; C, Loss of lubricating oil pressure
Q3. With reference to large starting air receivers: A. Explain where corrosion is likely to occur and state why it occurs in these regions: B. State the how the incidence of corrosion in air receivers might be minimized; C. If serious corrosion is detected in a starting air receiver and that receiver must be used explain how you, as Second Engineer, would determine the maximum pressure to which the receiver should be subjected; D. State the further action a Chief engineer must take upon discovering such air receiver corrosion.
Q9. With reference to diesel engines fitted on board ships, discuss A. Sludge formation in lubricating oil systems, B. Role of additives in lubricating oils, C. Steps taken to ensure that treated oils are maintained in their optimum condition, D. Adverse effects on bearing metal due to incompatibility of lubricating oil.
Q5. Give a reasoned explanation why some marine diesel engines might continue to run ahead on the astern cams following a reversal of the controls. Sketch and describe an arrangement designed to prevent this happening.
Q5. Discuss the consequences of failure to maintain correct clearances in the case of main diesel engine crankshaft and bottom end bearings. Sketch a bottom end bearing paying particular attention to the arrangement of ensuring uninterrupted flow of oil to the top end bearing.
Q7. Severe engine vibration has recently become evident when the main engine for which you are responsible operates within a certain speed range - State, with reasons, the possible causes of such vibration; State the consequences of operating the engine under such vibratory conditions; Describe the procedure you. As Second Engineer, would implement in order to investigate and rectify the problem.
Q8. Sketch the profiles of cams for each of the following duties, stating the type of engine concerned and giving reasons in each case for the particular profile shown - Jerk type fuel pump; Exhaust valve; Mechanically operated fuel valve; Starting air valve.
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