Q3. As second engineer you have been requested to obtain a set of indicator card from the large slow speed engine of a recently purchased second hand ship.
A. Describe your initial checks and preparations;
B. State with reason the types of card you would consider necessary and explain the procedure for obtaining these;
C. State in order of importance the additional information required with the card;
D. State your procedure for analysis of the cards and obtaining cylinder powers.
Q2. Describe with aid of sketches, a turbocharger bearing lubrication system, stating the type of bearing employed and explaining the advantages and disadvantages of the lubricating system described. One of the turbochargers of the main engine on the vessel aboard which you are serving as second engineer has suffered a sudden and unexpected failure. Write a letter to the ship owner/operator concerning the incident and stating the action taken in bringing the turbocharger back into service.
Q3. You have been appointed as the Second Engineer of an eight years old vessel, recently purchased by your shipping company. Write a report to the engineering superintendent covering the inspection of main propulsion machinery carried out by you, to ensure its trouble-free operation.
Q4. Express your reactions and state the subsequent investigation you would make if a laboratory report on a used diesel engine oil sample indicated the presence of appreciable amounts of: - A. Iron; B. Copper, antimony and tin; C. Silicon.
Q5. List the principal main engine spares you would require for an ocean-going motor-ship fitted with a six-cylinder two-stroke engine burning heavy oil and explain the reasons for your stipulations.
Q2. A. Sketch and describe a control system for maneuvering a main diesel engine from the bridge
B. Explain how local control may be effected in case of breakdown of the control system described in 2 (A).
Q2. A. Explain the term Variable Injection Timing (VIT) when applied to fuel pumps and state why a change in timing of fuel injection may be required.;
B. Describe, with the aid of sketches a VIT fuel pump and explain how the change in timing is achieved whilst the pump is in operation
C. Explain how it may be determined that individual fuel pumps are injecting the correct quantity of fuel with the correct timing at a particular pump setting.
Q9. A diesel generator when fitted in a machinery space which is periodically unmanned may be equipped with monitoring alarms of the exhaust temperatures. Discuss the relative merits of
A. Individual cylinder maximum temperature alarms;
B. Individual cylinder maximum and minimum temperature alarms;
C. Individual cylinder maximum temperature alarm and an alarm for any two cylinders exhaust temperatures deviating more than 35°C. Explain how arrangement can be provided for.
Q9. With reference to crankshafts, explain EACH of the following:
A. The cause and effects of torsional vibration;
B. The term critical speed indicating why it can be a problem;
C. The term fatigue cracking and state, with reasons, TWO factors of crankshaft operation which have greatest influence on the likelihood of fatigue cracking
D. How a torsional vibration damper can reduce the effects of torsional vibration
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