Q4: With reference to engine remote control and monitoring systems:
a) Explain how the location and nature of a fault may be determined if the instrument panel in the control room is indicating a low reading for a cylinder exhaust; (6)
b) State, with reasons, THREE sources of potential problems when choosing the location for transducers and signal transmission systems; (5)
c) In the event of complete failure of the remote control and monitoring system state how you, as 2nd Engineer, would organize the engine room personal to ensure safe manning of the engine room and list SIX main engine parameters, which should be manually recorded. (5)
Q4: Comment on the reliability and maintenance requirements of two of the following;
(i) Pneumatic control equipment,
(ii) Electro-mechanical control equipment,
(iii) Electronic control equipment
(b) Discuss the routine attention required and the defects, which may occur in service.
Q2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of adopting the following policies for maintenance of main and auxiliary diesel engines.
A. Planned maintenance.
B. Condition monitoring.
C. Periodic replacement of components.
D. Break down maintenance (16)
Q5. A. During the weighment of CO2 bottles required for total flooding of Engine room, it was observed that few bottles are less than the original capacity. State the reasons for the same and checks / tests to be made prior refilling;
B. State how often the CO2 bottles are required to be weighed and pressure tested.
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