Q1. Petroleum vapours are dangerous substances and when mixed with air can be ignited.
a) i) Sketch an explosimeter or combustion gas indicator which can be used to check the atmosphere of a tank or pumproom. (8)
ii) Describe the explosimeter and its operation (3)
iii) State one reason that may cause the explosimeter to give a false reading (3)
b) For flammable mixtures, explain the meaning of the terms lower and upper flammable limits. (6)
Q2. With respect to MARPOL 73/78, Annex - II, Noxious liquid chemicals are divided into categories.
a) State the number of categories, and what does each category signify. (7)
b) State the requirement of Procedures and Arrangements Manual, and what information is available. (7)
c) What are the latest amendments in IBC code. (6)
Q3. With reference to Annex VI of MARPOL, what are the salient features of a) EEDI (Energy efficiency design index) (5) b) EEOI (Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator) (5) c) Enhanced SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan) (5) d) CII (Carbon Intensity Indicator) (5)
Q4. Explain how PSC is different from FSC/FSI? Discuss Clear Grounds under SOLAS, MARPOL and the STCW with examples. (20)
Q5. Discuss the following with respect to International Safety Management (ISM) code:
a) Emergency preparedness, drills and training. (7)
b) Reporting of near miss, non-conformities, accidents/incidents and hazardous occurrences. (7)
c) Risk assessment Identification of critical equipment, tests and minimum spares requirement. (6)
Q6. Discuss on the following with respect AFS Convention:
a) Salient features and benefits of AFS Convention (5)
b) Benefits of new generation TBT free paints (5)
c) Survey and certification requirements for vessels GT 400 and above. (5)
d) Survey and certification requirements for vessels GT less than 400. (5)
Q7. a) State where information can be obtained with regard to the safe carriage of hazardous substances as cargo. (8)
B. For a hazardous cargo of your choice discuss the following. (12)
i) Storage and transport.
ii) Hazardous properties.
iii) Firefighting and suppression techniques.
iv) Medical effects and treatment after physical contact with the cargo.
Q8. What are the core features of the FSS Code? (International fire safety systems code). Elaborate on any one test prescribed by the Code. (20)
Q9. With reference to a recent ILO notice on the health hazards from asbestos.
a) State where asbestos may be found on board ship. (6)
b) State the health risks from asbestos. (7)
c) Outline the precautions necessary to minimize exposure to asbestos during an emergency repair. (7)
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