Q1. With regard to a ship operation in the U.M.S mode having an automatic fire detection system for the machinery space, answer following:
(a) Sketch a line diagram of the system showing how shipboard mains supply is fed through battery charger and emergency battery to fire detector heads and fire zone indicator panel and alarms.
(b) In the event of a mains supply failure state the length of time for which the emergency battery should be capable of operating the system.
(c) Sketch and describe a line termination or other method of monitoring the integrity of the system.
Q2. With reference to free fall lifeboat of an ocean-going ship:
A. Periodical maintenance, tests and checks on lifeboat and releasing gear.
B. Secondary means of lowering.
C. Lifeboat Drills.
Q5. With reference to MEPC 76, the combined technical and operational approaches to improve energy efficiency of ships and GHG reduction measures, explain the below mentioned new requirements.
(a) Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI)
(b) Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) and CII rating.
Q4. Prepare a proposal for safe manning requirements for a ship of your choice taking into account the IMO guidelines on the issue, also considering frequent port calls, rest hour management and high-risk areas.
Q5. (a) With regard to MARPOL Annex I, state the discharge criteria (in outside special area) of processed bilge water from machinery spaces; Specify the additional discharge criteria requirement that are applicable in Special Areas as defined in MARPOL 73/78
(b) With regard to MARPOL Annex IV, what is the applicability and Sewage efficient discharge criteria
(c) With regard to MARPOL Annex VI, explain NOx emission limits / requirements of Tier I, Tier II and Tier III
Q6. With regard to ballast water Management Convention, Explain following:
(a) Ballast water exchange standard (b) Ballast water Performance standard
(c) Treatment methods for ballast water
(d) Approval methods for treatment system using active and non-active substances
(e) What are the marine pollution problems related to port development such as ballast water, dredging and spills from ships.
Q7. (a) Briefly explain Intrinsically safe circuit and explosion proof circuit.
(b) What is EXD and EXI ? Where they are used onboard ship.
(c) What all Intrinsically safe equipment used on Deck. Explain how they are intrinsically safe.
(d) What is Zener Barrier? How flame and explosion contained inside the enclosure.
Q8. With reference to activated fin stabilizers give reasons why:
(a) For large vessels such units are preferred to passive tanks; (6)
(b) These units are preferred for passenger and fast cargo ships; (6)
(c) Partial rather than maximum damping of ship movement in heavy weather is advisable for reasons other than overstressing of fin stocks and activating gear. (8)
Q9. (a) Discuss International Maritime Organization (IMO) Data Collection System (DCS) for fuel oil consumption of ships covering following:
(i) Applicability of ship size (GT)
(ii) When the requirement of Data Collection System (DCS) entered into force;
(iii) What data required to collect ship;
(iv) The aggregated data is submitted to who and when (frequency) to submit;
(v) Relevance of SEEMP pertaining to Data Collection System (DCS)
(b) List out the main differences between the EU Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) regulation and International Maritime Organization (IMO) Data Collection System (DCS).
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