Q9. Write reference to gravity life boat davits; state the purpose of the following:
A. Centrifugal brake, B. Dead man’s handle; C. Davit limit switch.
Q3. The fire protection provided for the propulsion motor and generator of a diesel electric drive vessel is usually one of the following methods:
a. Fixed foam extinguisher; b. Fixed CO2 system;
c. Steam smothering system; d. Dry Chemical Powder.
Briefly state in a comparative analysis, how each one of these methods has some disadvantages when used with propulsion system as stated above.
Q3. With reference to davit launched life boat of an ocean-going ship, write short notes on: A. Maintenance on wire falls, floating blocks, on-load and off-load release mechanism; B. Maintenance ion davit winch and safety checks; C. Periodical test are required to be done on launching gear/equipment, D. Maintenance on fire protected and self-contained air support system life boats.
Q5. With reference to an oil/water separator:
A. (i) Sketch such a device; (ii) Describe the passage of oil/water mixture from the delivery of pump to the outlets of separator.
B. State how oil density and temperature affect the case of separation of oil from water.
C. State how the movement of oil on board ship or its discharge and the discharge of oily-bilge ballast water overboard is recorded.
Q5. A. List the special areas for the purpose of MARPOL 73/78 Annex V; B. Explain the requirements for disposal of garbage within special areas, C. Describe the form of record keeping required; D. Are these records subject to flag State/Port State control officer's scrutiny? E. What could be the consequence of violations?
Q9. A) As Second Engineer of a new ship, prepare standing orders for all future bunkering operations;
B. State why it is very important to obtain a representative sample of heavy fuel bunkers taken and explain how a representative sample is obtained
C. What information is provided in bunker Delivery note (BDN).
Q2. A. A hydraulically operated ballast tank valve situated in the duct keel has failed to close. State as Second Engineer your procedure for directing safe entry by engine room staff to the duct keel to ascertain the cause and possibility to carry out a repair.
B. State if any procedure is to be followed before making an entry, and the relevant IMO code under which such procedures are required
Q8. Write short notes on: - A. SART; B. EPIRB; C. Long-range identification and tracking of ships (LRIT) D. Voyage/simplified voyage date recorder (VDR/S-VDR)
Q7. Discuss the following with respect to International Safety Management (ISM) code:
A. Emergency preparedness, drills and training;
B. Reporting of near miss, non-conformities, accidents/incidents and hazardous occurrences;
C. Risk assessment
D. Identification of critical equipment, tests and minimum spares requirement.
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