Q1. A. Sketch and describe a total flooding CO2 gas system suitable for the protection of machinery spaces; B. State, with reasons, which valve should be operated first in the system shown in (A).
Q2. In the event of a failure of the main electrical power supply on a ship, an emergency source of power must be available. State the circuits which must be fed from such a source and discuss the reasons governing the selection of such circuits.
Q5. Sketch and describe an arrangement for automatic connection of emergency batteries upon loss of main power, include in your answer:
(a) Means of obtaining d.c. charging supply from a.c. mains;
(b) A method of maintaining charge on lead acid batteries;
(c) The arrangement to check that batteries operate at loss of main power
(d) The length of time for which emergency batteries of passenger and cargo ships must provide power.
Q6. A. Describe a vacuum sewage system;
B. With reference to the system described in (A) - i. State ONE advantage of the system;
ii. State why a holding tank may be required to be fitted to the system;
iii. State the problems resulting from the retention of untreated sewage in a holding tank.
Q9. A) As Second Engineer of a new ship, prepare standing orders for all future bunkering operations;
B. State why it is very important to obtain a representative sample of heavy fuel bunkers taken and explain how a representative sample is obtained
C. What information is provided in bunker Delivery note (BDN).
Q6. With respect to MARPOL 73/78, Annex - II, Noxious liquid chemicals are divided into categories; A. State the number of categories, and what does each category signify. B. State the requirement of Procedures and Arrangements Manual, and what information is available.
Q7. For an ISM certification, explain the key clauses, which are required to be complied with obtaining Interim DOC, State the responsibility of a Second Engineer with respect to satisfactory implementation of SMS on board ship.
Q8. With reference to Port State Control: A. State the various MOU’s and the purpose of having a port state control regime; B. Give at least 3 examples of deficiency which may lead to detention of your vessel; C. If your vessel gets detained by the PSCO owing to a deficiency, what woul be your action for redressal.
Q9. Write reference to gravity life boat davits; state the purpose of the following:
A. Centrifugal brake, B. Dead man’s handle; C. Davit limit switch.
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