Q1. (a) Sketch and describe a 50 litres Mechanical foam Fire Extinguisher, giving details with respect to (12)
(i) Type of gas used as expellants
(ii) Throw reach
(iii) Working and test pressure
(b) Explain the procedure for re-charging the same after use (8)
Q2. (a) What are the short-term measures devised by IMO for controlling the emission of Green House gases (5)
(b) State the measures and how they will take effect. What size of ships are these rules applicable to? (5)
(c) What documents will be required to be carried on board under the new regulations? (5)
(d) What is SEEMP Part III? State its contents (5)
Q3. Write short notes on
(a) Garbage Record Book (5)
(b) Discharge criteria as per Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78 (5)
(c) High pressure Water mist system in the engine room (5)
(d) Safeties in a pump room of an oil tanker (5)
Q7. a) Sketch a simple line diagram showing a shipboard oil-water separator in series with a coalescing second stage. (10)
b) Describe the arrangement and operation of the separator sketched in (a). (10)
Q5. (a) Name and describe in detail any three mandatory IMO Codes. Explain their significant features. (15)
(b) What do you understand by the term 'Protocol to a convention' Give examples. (5)
Q6. (a) With respect ISPS code, define the levels of security and explain what action needs to be taken in each case (8)
(b) What is SSP and state it's purpose? Name the essential points that the SSP must address (8)
(c) Explain the term 'Declaration of security'. (4)
Q7. (a) List the items which are contained in the training manual pertaining to life saving appliances (5)
(b) Describe the frequency of abandon ship drills and fire drills and how they should be conducted. (5)
(c) State the regulation regarding the maintenance of lifeboat falls. (5)
(d) List the LSA to be carried by all ships. (5)
Q8. (a) With reference to the cargo tanks of oil tankers: State
(i) The purpose of the pressure vacuum valve (5)
(ii) The dangers of venting during loading via open tank hatches (5)
(b) (i) Sketch a high velocity vent (5)
(ii) Describe the operation of this vent and state why such a device is used. (5)
Q9. With reference to oil monitoring of slops and tanker ballast discharges
(a) Describe with the aid of a sketch, the general arrangements of an oil monitoring system (6)
(b) State the inputs that are recorded (6)
(c) What could be the possible challenges to an efficient operation of the oil discharge monitoring system? (8)
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