Q1. i) Explain the purpose of hot work permit. State the different types of work permit used on ships and their utility. (10)
ii) Explain cold work permit. What types of jobs require cold work permit. (10)
Q2. i) Name the different classes of fire, with examples. Name the appropriate extinguishing agents in each case. (10)
ii) Explain the term explosion? (5)
iii) What is BLEVE, expand same and explain its mechanism. (5)
Q3. What is Inert Gas and What is its function; what are the ways it is produced on ship. What is the normal 02 content in the IG produced from boiler flue gas. What is pyrophoric reaction and how is it controlled by using inert gas. (20)
Q4. What maintenance and checks are carried out on CO2 bottles:
a) Weekly
b) Monthly
c) Yearly
d) 2 Yearly basis and
What schedule is followed for pressure testing of the bottles. (20)
Q5. State the requirements for the ventilation arrangement of cargo pump room of an oil tanker. What are the other safeties provided for pump room safety including fire protection. (20)
Q6. i) What is Maritime Labour Convention, 2006? and name it’s salient features. (8)
ii) Name the titles in MLC 2006. (4)
iii) What is CBA and how does it work? Explain. (8)
Q7. i) Explain how you will prepare your good vessel for a routine inspection by PSC at vessel’s next port of call. (10)
ii) State the precautions that you will consider, so that the vessel is not considered for detention by the attending PSCO. (10)
Q8. i) How Sox is formed on ships? (8)
ii) What are the causes and effects of SOx emission? (8)
iii) State the regulation governing Limits of SOx generation. (4)
Q9. What is the purpose of ISM Code, under Solas Chapter IX. What are its objectives. What certification is required under the ISM Code and name it’s issuing authority? In how many parts is the code divided into? (20)
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