Q7. A. Explain how to distinguish between list and loll and describe how to return the ship to the upright in each case. (6)
B. A ship 120m long has a light displacement of 4000 tonne and LCG in this condition 2.5m aft of midships. (10)
The following items are then added:
Cargo 10000 tonne LCG 3.0 m forward of midships
Fuel 1500 tonne LCG 2.0 m aft of midships
Water 400 tonne LCG 8.0 m aft of midships
Stores 100 tonne LCG 10.0m forward of midships
Using the following hydrostatic data, calculate the final draughts:
Draught (m) --- Displacement (t) --- MCTI cm (tm) --- LCB from midships (m) --- LCF from midships (m)
8.50 ---------- 16650 -------------- 183 ------------ 1.94 F ------------------ 1.20A
8.00 ---------- 15350 -------------- 175 ------------ 2.10 F ------------------ 0.60F