Q4. Discuss the importance of the following to be examined for meeting EEDI limitations: A. Slimmer vessels with lower block coefficients; B. Long-Stroke engines; C. Low revolution large diameter propellers.
Q4. a) Draw a simple line diagram of the bow of a ship to show the position of the following component parts of the ships anchoring system. Hawse pipe, Cable stopper, Windlass and Cable lifter, Spurling pipe and Chain locker. (4)
b) Describe the cable stopper and state its purpose. (4)
c) Show by means of a sketch how the anchor cable is attached to the ship. (4)
d) Describe how the chain locker is drained of water, sand and mud. (4)
Q1. (a) State the reasons for the freeboard requirement, (b) Explain the term condition of assignment and explain how these are maintained for a ship. (c) Using a diagram indicate the freeboard of type A, type B, type B60 and type B100 vessels giving an example of each type.
Q2. A. Describe the double bottom and framing arrangement used in the machinery space to cope up with the concentrated loads and vibration, together with shaft and thrust block support.
B. Give reasons for the choice of thrust block position.
Q2. With reference to a periodically unattended machinery space of a dry cargo vessel discusses the requirements for;
A. Protection against flooding;
B. Control of propulsion machinery from the navigating bridge.
Q6. (A) Explain the concept of dynamical stability. (6)
b) A vessel of 8000 tonne displacement has 75 tonnes of cargo on the deck. It is lifted by a derrick whose head is 10.5m above the centre of gravity of the cargo and placed in the lower hold 9m below the deck and 14m forward of its original position. Calculate the shift in the vessel's centre of gravity from its original position when the cargo is: (10)
(i) just clear of the deck
(ii) at the derrick head
(iii) in its final position.
Q7. a) Describe how water tightness is maintained where bulkheads are pierced by longitudinal beams or pipes. (6)
b) A ship of 15000 tonne displacement has an Admiralty Coefficient, based on shaft power, of 420. The mechanical efficiency of the machinery is 83%, shaft losses 6%, propeller efficiency 65% and QPC 0.71. At a particular speed the thrust power is 2550 Kw. (10)
Calculate: (i) Indicated power, (ii) Effective power, (iii) Ship speed.
Q8. a) What is Prismatic Co-efficient (CP). Derive the formula CP =
, where
= Co-efficient of fineness and
= midship section area co-efficient. (6) b) A watertight door is 1.2m high and 0.75m wide, with a 0.6m sill. The bulkhead is flooded with seawater to a depth of 3m on one side and 1.5m on the other side. Draw the load diagram and from it determine the resultant load and position of the centre of pressure on the door. (10)
Q9. a) Describe briefly the inclining experiment and explain how the results are used. (6)
b) A ship of 14900 tonne displacement has a shaft power of 4460 Kw at 14.55 knots. The shaft power is reduced to 4120 Kw and the fuel consumption at the same displacement is 541 kg/h. Calculate the fuel coefficient for the ship. (10)
Q10. A ship of 14000 tonne displacement is 125 m long and floats at draughts of 7.9 m forward and 8.5 m aft. The TPC is 19, GML 120 m and LCF 3 m forward of midships. It is required to bring the vessel to an even keel draught of 8.5m. Calculate the mass which should be added and the distance of the distance of the centre of the mass from midships. (16)
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