Q1. A. Sketch a transverse section through the hold space of a container ship hull;
B. Referring to the sketch in (A) describe how adequate structural strength is built into the hull.
Q2. A. Describe the arrangement made in a main structural bulkhead for a watertight door aperture; B. Explain a procedure for ensuring that sliding watertight doors are operated safely. C. Differentiate between the categories of watertight door and state the regulation pertaining each type.
Q4. A. Define the purpose of cofferdams,
B. State where cofferdams are most likely to be found on:
(i) Dry cargo ships;
(ii) Oil tankers.
C. (i) State what information is available about danger of entering void spaces.
(ii) Identify, with reasons, the precaution to be observed before and during entry to cofferdams.
Q4. (a) List the components of residuary resistance. (b) A ship model 6m long has a total resistance of 40N when towed at 3.6 knots in fresh water. the ship itself is 180m long and displaces 20400 tonne. the wetted surface area may be calculated from the formula S= 2.57, Calculate ePn for the ship at its corresponding speed in sea water. f (model)fw =0.492; f (ship)sw =0.421; n=1.825.
Q2.A. Describe the arrangement of tank top and double bottom in the machinery space making particular reference to the structure and scantlings below the main engine.
B. Show the method adopted in the arrangement of D.B. tanks to avoid contamination of fresh water, fuel oil and lube oil stored in D.B. tanks.
Q1. A. Sketch the cross-section of a bulk carrier with either deep or shallow double bottom showing the type of framing used;
B. Describe the corrosion problems experienced with ballast tanks;
C. state how such tanks are protected against extensive corrosion.
Q7. With respect to trim and stability, describe the following - A. Effects on centre of gravity of slack tanks; B. Effect on stability of ice formation on superstructure; C. Effects of wind and waves on ship’s stability; D. Effect of water absorption by deck cargo and retention of water on deck.
Q8. With reference to the ships anchor cable arrangement using simple sketches, illustrate how the following are attached to the ship. A. Cable Stopper B. Anchor Windlass C. Chain locker end of cable elenchus
Q9. (a) Describe the effects on centre of gravity of slack tanks. (b) A box-shaped vessel 100-meter-long x 20 meters wide X 12 meters deep is floating in salt water on an even keel at 6 meters’ draft. A forward compartment is 10 meters long, 12 meters wide and extends from the outer bottom to a watertight flat, 4 meters long 12 meters wide and extends from the outer bottom to a watertight flat, 4 meters above the keel. the compartment contains cargo of permeability 25%. find the new draft if this compartment is bilged.
Q4. With reference to Underwater Inspection in lieu of Dry docking (UWILD)
A. Explain in detail, how an underwater survey is carried out;
B. State the requirements to be fulfilled before an underwater survey is acceptable to the survey authority.
C. Construct a list of the items in order of importance that the underwater survey authority should include.
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