Q6. A ship 90 m long displaces 5200 tonne and floats at draughts of 4.95m forward and 5.35 m aft when in sea water of 1023 kg/m3. The water plane area is 1100m2, GML 95m, LCB 0.6m forward of midships and LCF 2.2m aft of midships. Calculate the new draughts when the vessel moves into fresh water of 1002 kg/m3
Q9. With respect to Buoyancy of a vessel:
A. What do you understand by reserve buoyancy what happen if the lost buoyancy is greater than the reserve buoyancy?
B. A forward deep tank 12 m long extends from a longitudinal bulkhead to the ship’s side. The widths of the tank surface measured from the longitudinal bulkhead at regular intervals are 10, 9, 7, 4 and 1 m. Calculate the second moment of area of the tank surface about a longitudinal axis passing through its centroid.
Q9. With respect to Inclining Experiments onboard vessels;
A. Sketch and Describe briefly the inclining experiment and explain how the results are used.
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