Q3: Your ship after having been accidentally grounded was taken to a dry-dock for inspection and necessary repairs. What defects would you look for in the following parts, that may have sustained damage due to grounding and suggest methods of repairs and tests that may be required to be carried out to the defects noticed:
A. Propeller and tail end shaft.
B. Main engine crankshaft.
Q2. With reference to lifeboats, describe: (a) A handbrake used for lowering and state how it is tested; (b) The centrifugal break and the method of testing. (c) Static and dynamic load test.
Q4. In a situation where the main engine control system suddenly fails, and it is not possible to rectify this immediately
A. Explain the action that a 2nd engineer should take. (8)
B. State the instruction that the 2nd engineer should issue in order to ensure the continued safe and effective operation of the engine. (8)
Q9. Using sketches explain the difference between Pulse and Constant pressure turbocharger systems.
A. In the event of a Pulse turbocharger becoming inoperative due to mechanical breakdown explain the modifications required to allow the engine to operate safely.
B. State the instruction you as second engineer would issue regarding the additional engine monitoring requirements following the steps taken in (a).
Q5. Express your reactions and state the subsequent investigation you would make if a laboratory report on a used diesel engine oil sample indicated the presence of appreciable amounts of: -
A. Iron; B. Copper, Antimony and Tin; C. Silicon.
Q7. Describe the action you would take and outline possible reasons for failure in both the following cases:
(a) The engine fails to turn on starting air, (b) The engine turns on starting air but fails to fire.
Q6. With Reference to Main Engine Fuel Pumps.
(a) Explain how the setting of a variable injection timing fuel pump is checked and adjusted.
(b) State why it may be necessary to adjust the settings of a variable injection timed fuel pump.
Q8. With reference to independent emergency fire pumps; A. State three areas where they are commonly installed and give reasons why; B. Describe with the aid of a sketch an air pump or primer used to initiate suction when the fire; C. Pump is situated above seawater level; State the suction lift which would be expected from a single stage pump system. State how the capacity of the fire pump should be tested; D. State how it can be ensured that the pump is kept in good working order; E. State the precautions which must be taken in sub-zero temperatures.
Q9. With regard to a U.M.S. ship having an automatic fire detection system for the machinery space,
A. Sketch a line diagram of the system showing how shipboard mains supply is fed through battery charger and emergency battery to fire detector heads and fire zone indicator panel and alarms.
B. In the event of a mains supply failure state the length of time for which the emergency battery should be capable of operating the system.
C. Sketch and describe a line termination or method of monitoring the integrity of the system
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