Q1. (a) Describe how leak in a Heat exchanger tube is detected? How to rectify leaky tube? (8)
(b) What are the common methods to enhance heat transfer of heat exchanger? (4)
(c) Describe reasons for poor performance of heat exchanger and actions to rectify the same. (4)
Q2. (a) Describe the components forming part of a Gear Pump. Explain how pumping is carried out by gear pump? (8)
(b) By suitable drawing describe what is ‘back lash’ and enumerate its importance. How is 'back lash' measured? (4)
(c) What checks will be carried out during overhauls. (4)
Q3. (a) How Leaks are detected and rectified on refrigerating plant? (4)
(b) Describe how suction & discharge valves are tested for tightness? (4)
(c) Describe with an illustration, how refrigerant charging is carried out? (8)
Q4. (a) Describe by drawing a suitable diagram, Bilge water system of an ocean-going ship. Name each part/equipment with its function. (10)
(b) Discuss the commonly associated troubles with the Bilge system and their probable solutions. (6)
Q5. (a) Describe the uses of packed gland seal. What are the machineries they are in use? In a running pump, how the gland packing is lubricated and kept cool? (6)
(b) Describe advantages of using gland packing. (5)
(c) Describe disadvantages of using gland packing. (5)
Q6. With respect to centrifuges.
(a) Explain the reasons which shall cause a purifier to overflow (6)
(b) What are reasons that induces vibration in a purifier" (4)
(c) Explain the process of desludging? Why is the purifier amperage an important parameter for the operator? (6)
Q7. (a) Explain with a sketch showing the components of an auxiliary engine fuel valve, the complete maintenance procedure including the removal of the fuel valve, pressure-testing and overhaul. (12)
(b) What are the precautions to be taken before installation of a fuel valve on the cylinder head? Indicate the special tools that may be required for the fuel valve removal and overhaul. (4)
Q8. The exhaust temperatures of an auxiliary diesel engine are found to be excessive and uneven at normal load, with dark exhaust at the funnel.
Describe EACH of the following:
a) An investigation of the situation. (5)
b) The procedure to remedy the immediate problems. (6)
c) Any further action that might be necessary. (5)
Q9. (a) What is Accumulation of pressure test for Boiler and what is its purpose? (6)
(b) Describe the detailed procedure for an Accumulation of pressure test. (10)
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