Q7. a) The UMS monitoring, and control system of your ship has recently started to give false alarms and incorrect data printouts. State, with reasons, possible causes if the false alarms and reading are:
i) Localized to a particular area of engine operation.
ii) General to the engine room (6)
b) State, with reasons, the action you, as Electrical Engineer, would take to ensure continued safe operation of the vessel if the defects were general to the engine room. (6)
c) Explain the procedure you, as Electrical Engineer, would adopt in order to locate and rectify a general fault in the UMS system. (4)
Q8. a) Describe information which is available in the record which is attached as a supplement to the IOPP Certificate, for bulk carriers and oil tanker. (6)
b) What are the provisions for engine room under MARPOL 73/78 Annex -1, for large ocean-going vessel? (6)
c) What is IBC Code and what Certificates are issued under the Code and to which ship? (4)
Q9. With reference to an automatic water sprinkler, fire detecting alarm and extinguishing system for accommodation spaces:
a) Sketch a typical system. (4)
b) Describe the operation of this system. (4)
c) State the sources of water available. (2)
d) Describe the sprinkler head and its operation. (3)
e) State how the temperature rating of the sprinkler head is determined. (3)
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