Q7. With reference to oil monitoring of bilge and tanker ballast discharges: a) Describe with the aid of a sketch, the general arrangement of an oil monitoring system. (8) b) State the inputs that are recorded. (4) c) Explain the difficulties encountered with the efficient operation of the oil monitoring system. (4)
Q9. With reference to an automatic water sprinkler, fire detecting alarm and extinguishing system for accommodation spaces:
a) Sketch a typical system. (4)
b) Describe the operation of this system. (4)
c) State the sources of water available. (2)
d) Describe the sprinkler head and its operation. (3)
e) State how the temperature rating of the sprinkler head is determined. (3)
Q9.a) Draw and Explain flammability diagram (4)
b) What is critical dilution in flammability diagram? (4)
c) How does inert gas reduce flammability range.
d) Describe purging and gas freeing operation of cargo tank in Crude Oil Tanker. (4)
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