Q1. Explain the effect of reduced voltage on standard squirrel cage motors with respect to EACH of the following:
a) Burn outs (4)
b) Starting current (4)
c) Starting torque (4)
d) Speed (4)
Q2. a) In A.C. generators, voltage dip occurs in two stages.
i) Sketch a voltages-time graph showing the pattern of voltage dip. (4)
ii) Referring to this graph, state the reasons the effect on the electrical system of a small power installation when a large load is suddenly switched on. (4)
b) Explain EACH of the following categories of voltage control:
i) Error operated (4)
ii) Functional (4)
Q3. With reference to the provision of a shore electrical supply to a ship:
a) Sketch an arrangement for taking A.C. Shore supply and checks to be carried out prior taking shore connection? (8)
b) Describe the methods of safely connecting the arrangement sketched in (A) to the shore supply? (8)
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