Q1. Describe how each of the following procedure may be accomplished by bridge control equipment for a direct reversing 2 stroke diesel engines - Setting the direction of rotation; Starting; Controlling speed
Q7. With reference to auxiliary diesel engines, suggest probable causes that would create EACH of the following conditions and state how they would be rectified: A. Knocking; B. Loss of power; C, Loss of lubricating oil pressure
Q3. With reference to large starting air receivers:
A. Explain where corrosion is likely to occur and state why it occurs in these regions. (4)
B. State the how the incidence of corrosion in air receivers might be minimized. (4)
C. If serious corrosion is detected in a starting air receiver and that receiver must be used explain how you, as Second Engineer, would determine the maximum pressure to which the receiver should be subjected. (4)
D. State the further action a Second engineer must take upon discovering such air receiver corrosion. (4)
Q5. With reference to the crankshaft and running gear of an engine, explain static balance, Dynamic balance, Torque reaction couple, and Critical speed
Q8. (a) Describe, with the aid of a sketch, the main engine auxiliary equipment for automatic monitoring and regulation of the fuel viscosity.
(b) Explain the operation of the system, which incorporates the equipment described in Q.8(a).
(c) For an engine which is maneuvered on distillate fuel but operated on heavy residual oil at sea, static, as second engineer, the standing orders you would issue for the procedure to be adopted when changing form distillate fuel to heavy residual oil and vice versa.
Q9. With reference to timing chains:
A. State the cause of chain elongation in service, using a sketch of a section of a camshaft roller chain to illustrate your answer;
B. State: i. The effects of increased chain length:
ii. The method of assessing percentage increase in length:
C. Explain how the effects of elongation are corrected:
D. State why a limit is placed on percentage chain elongation and give typical example.
Q1. A. Describe with the aid of a sketch, the arrangement of exhaust and air inlet passages in a medium speed four stroke engine cylinder head. B. With reference to [a] indicate where cracking might be expected stating the likely cause. C. Explain the different factors that tend to cause distortion of 4stroke cylinder head. D. Explain how the effects described in [c] are minimized.
Q5. A. Describe briefly the operation of an electrical or hydraulic main engine governor B. For the type described indicate how failure can occur and the action to be taken if immediate correction cannot be achieved and the engine must be operated.
Q9. a) Describe, with the aid of a sketch, a main engine cylinder relief valve. (10)
b) List the conditions, which may cause the valves, sketched in (a) to lift. (6)
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