Q1. With reference to a particular make of main propulsion unit, describe how the engine is reversed manually and discuss the problems involved and the safety precautions which would be required if the control were operated remote from the machinery space.
Q4. A. Discuss the various types of indicator diagrams and discuss the relevance of this method of determining engine performance.
B. Suggest how engine performance may be assessed other than by taking indicator cards.
Q3. With reference to large starting air receivers: A. Explain where corrosion is likely to occur and state why it occurs in these regions: B. State the how the incidence of corrosion in air receivers might be minimized; C. If serious corrosion is detected in a starting air receiver and that receiver must be used explain how you, as Second Engineer, would determine the maximum pressure to which the receiver should be subjected; D. State the further action a Chief engineer must take upon discovering such air receiver corrosion.
Q6. A. Describe how a crank pin bearing of a 2 stroke main propulsion engine is opened up for inspection;
B. Which half of the bearing is subject to greater wear?
C. What are the various causes of wear down of the bearing.
Q7. A. State, with reasons, THREE properties required of crankcase oil which is to be used for a trunk piston main engine.
B. Explain how a representative sample of crankcase oil would be obtained from a trunk piston engine. C. Briefly describe the action to be taken if the crankcase oil charge cannot immediately be replaced and analysis shows – (i) Water is present; (ii) Alkalinity has fallen; (iii) Viscosity has changed appreciably; (iv) Carbon content has increased.
Q6. Evaluate the influence of the following factors upon cylinder and piston ring wear rates; A. Position of rings in relation to piston crown; B. Spread and proximity of coolant passages from liner wall; C. Flow rate and specific heat of coolant; D. Chromium plating of ring faces.
Q6. With Respect to main engine turbocharger;
A. Explain why cleanliness throughout the turbochargers system is critical to engine performance?
B. Describe in-service cleaning procedure for gas and air sides of a turbocharger indicating safety precautions to be observed?
Q1. A. State the reasons for the progressive slackness of an engine camshaft drive chain in service;
B. State the effect chain stretch has on engine timing and performance;
C. Describe how correct timing is restored when chain stretch becomes excessive.
Q9. With reference to large fabricated bed plates explain: A. With reason, why longitudinal strength and rigidity is important in spite of the contributions made by ship’s structure. B. With sketches show how the combustions loads imposed on piston and cylinder heads are transmitted to and absorbed by bed plates
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