Q1. The main requirements which a fuel injection system must fulfil are (16)
(a) Accurate metering of small amount of fuel oil
(b) Control of quality of fuel injection
(c) Proper timing of the fuel injection
(d) Selective distribution of the fuel in the combustion space
State whether each one of the points made above are true or false with reasons.
Q7. (a) In a 4-Stroke engine, describe each of the different strokes of the cycle. (6)
(b) Draw 4-Stroke timing diagram describing the complete cycle.
Explain how each stroke is completed with action of crank travel and the inlet-exhaust valves. (10)
Q3. (a) Describe means of recognizing deterioration of the lubricating oil (8)
(b) Describe how lubrication oil is conveyed to top end, bottom end and main bearing in large bore 2-stroke crosshead type slow speed diesel engine, you are familiar with (8)
Q4. (a) State the different types of turbo charger fitted in modern diesel engines (8)
(b) Describe the function of the (8)
(i) Nozzle ring
(ii) Labyrinth seals
(iii) Diffuser and
(iv) Inducer
Q5. Sketch and describe a device employed for continuous monitoring of the viscosity of heavy fuel oil being supplied to a main engine (16)
Q3. (a) Explain, why is it important to measure bearing clearances in a diesel engine? (4)
(b) What is Bridge gauge? How is the Bridge gauge used? Explain with a diagram. (6)
(c) What are other recommended methods for checking bearing clearances. (6)
Q9. i) Describe what is nozzle burning of fuel Injectors and causes of nozzle burning on Marine Diesel engine. (6)
ii) What investigations are required to find causes for nozzle burning? (6)
iii) What actions are required to reduce the risk of Nozzle Burning? (4)
Q8. Explain how the following conditions affect the power developed by a diesel engine:
(a) Broken piston rings. (4)
(b) Worn fuel pump plungers. (4)
(c) Fouled turbochargers (4)
(d) Worn out liner (4)
Q9. For 2-Stroke Marine Diesel Engine
a) Describe problems in achieving good lubrication of Cylinder Liner. (6)
b) What are the properties of good cylinder oil? (4)
c) What are the consequences of under and over lubrication of liner? (6)
Q3. Describe following terms with respect to Diesel Engine with suitable diagram: (a) Natural aspiration (4)
(b) Scavenging (4)
(c) Supercharging (4)
(d) Types of Super charging in two stroke engine. (4)
Q5.a) State why double walled fuel pipes are employed for high pressure fuel lines. (6)
b) Sketch and describe such a double walled pipe arrangement and show how high-pressure pipe failure is indicated. (10)
Q3. i) How power is calculated from indicator diagram. (6)
ii) How does Indicator diagram show early fuel injection? What are bad effects of too early injection? (5)
iii) What are indications of late injection on indicator diagram of the unit? What are bad effects of late injection of fuel on the units? (5)
Q4. With reference to a turbo-charging system of an engine:
a) State the parameters that you would check while taking over the watch. (8)
b) Action to be taken in the event of turbo-charger is observed to vibrate abnormally. (8)
Q5. Discuss the consequences of failure to maintain correct clearances in the case of auxiliary diesel engine crankshaft and bottom end bearing. Describe the procedure of taking crankshaft deflection (16)
Q9. a) Describe how fuel injector components deteriorate with time? (6)
b) What are effects of deterioration of fuel injector components? (6)
c) What are the signs of a bad injector? (4)
Q7. With respect to a marine diesel engine:
a) What are the different types of lubrication system that you would see on the main and auxiliary machineries? (8)
b) What are the desirable qualities for the lubricating oil selected for each of the following duties: (8)
i) Auxiliary diesel engine
ii) Stern tube bearings
iii) Refrigeration system
iv) turbocharger
Q8. With reference to cylinder liner wear in large slow speed engine.
a) State THREE major factors associated with wear. (4)
b) Explain the procedure for correct ‘running in’ of piston rings and cylinder liners. (4)
c) Explain what is achieved by ‘running in’ process. (4)
d) Describe how cylinder lubrication limits wear. (4)
Q2. Describe the action you as watch keeper would take and outline possible reasons for failure in both the following cases:
a) The auxiliary diesel engine fails to turn on starting air. (8)
b) The engine turn on starting air but fails to fire. (8)
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