Q6. (a) How is a 2-stroke engine started? Describe the sequence of engine starting. (5)
(b) Draw the Timing Diagram of engine starting, showing crank position of each Step. (6)
(c) What is OVERLAP in engine starting? (5)
Q2. (a) Draw sectional diagram of main engine piston showing each part. Show cooling passages for oil cooled piston (12)
(b) Name the different materials used for the various components of the piston as indicated to the answer above. (4)
Q3. a) What is crank web deflection and purpose of measuring the same? (4)
b) How crank web deflections are taken, describe the process. (6)
c) Describe the process to locate faulty main bearing by taking crank web deflection measurement. (6)
Q3.a) What is the function of charge air cooler on 2-stroke Diesel Engine? (4)
b) Draw Diagrammatic sketch of charge air cooler. Describe each part. (8)
c) How the efficiency of charge air cooler can be checked? (4)
Q5.a) Draw diagrammatic sketch of Boiler gauge glass. Name each part and function. (8)
b) What safeties are provided on gauge glass in case of rupturing of the glass? (4)
c) Describe procedure for blow down of gauge glass. (4)
Q1. Explain the method of obtaining the following diagrams on a 2-Stroke Main propulsion Engine.
a) Power Card, showing vital point of diagram. (4)
b) Out of phase diagram indicating vital points. (4)
c) Light spring diagram, indicating vital points. (4)
d) Compression diagram and its importance. (4)
Q7. a) What are the various methods used for reversing the motion of ship. (4)
b) With respect to reversing of main engine running direction. Explain following.
i) Lost Motion. (4)
ii) Axial shifting of cams. (4)
iii) Roller Displacement. (4)
Q4. a) By drawing a block diagram describe how on a large 2-stroke marine diesel engine, fuel quantity and timing is controlled? (8)
b) What are disadvantages of VIT system? (4)
c) What actions are required in case of VIT system failure? (4)
Q9.a) Describe procedure of changeover of high Sulphur fuel from high seas to 0.1% Sulphur in ECA zone. (8)
b) How time for change over is determined such that vessel enters ECA zone with 0.1% of Sulphur? (4)
c) What entries are made in Engine room logbook pertaining to low Sulphur oil change over? (4)
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