Q1. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls is one of the sustainable development’s goals of the U.N. With brief introduction on gender equality, discuss the following. (16)
a. Why gender balance is required?
b. Discuss various initiatives taken by the government of India and the international maritime organisation towards gender equality in shipping.
c. How would you as the Chief engineer of a ship which has women seafarers ensure that these initiatives have the desired impact?
Q2. What is a Recognized organization? What are the salient features of the R.O. Code? How do Administrations monitor R.O.s? (16)
Q3. What are the ongoing developments at IMO with respect to the technical and operational and market-based measures to be invoked on board ships for combating greenhouse gas emissions from ships? (16)
Q4. (a) Describe the structure of IMO. Specify the responsibilities and work done by the Assembly, the Council and various main committees. What role do the sub committees perform in supporting the main committees? (8)
(b) Define a convention. Explain the differences in international instruments such as Convention, Protocol, Code and Resolution. Give at least one example of each. (8)
Q5. In a grain carrier, how the shifting of grain affects the curve of statical stability, with a neat diagram explain the existing minimum criteria for stability of grain carrying ships. (16)
Q6. A. Define the'-meaning of the term "conditions of assignment" as applied to ships; B. State how conditions of assignment contribute towards the watertight integrity of ships; C. Give reasons why conditions of assignment need periodic inspection, giving specific instances where they can be found to be less than fully effective.
Q3. A. State the difference between an audit and survey. B. State the action taken by a recognized organization carrying out ISM certification on behalf of the Administration towards handling of an ISM certificate in case: (i) When there is an evidence of a major non conformity (ii) When non conformities are found (iii) When an extension of the Safety Management Certificate is requested for (iv) When revision of an entry for a certificate is requested for Under What circumstances SMC and DOC may be invalidated?
Q8. (a) What are the important highlights of UNCLOS with respect to protection and preservation of the marine environment? (6)
(b) Briefly explain following:
(i) Territorial sea; (2)
(ii) Contiguous Zone, (2)
(iii) Exclusive Economic Zone (2)
(iv) Continental Shelf (2)
(v) High Seas. (2)
Q4. What provisions are made under Port State Control (PSC) towards (i) Certificates issued by non-party states to their ships (ii) Inspection of ships below convention size and (iii) No more favorable treatment.
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