Q3. A. State the applicable regulation of SOLAS and MARPOL under which it is mandatory for a flag state to conduct an investigation into any casualty; B. Write briefly the salient points of casualty investigation code and the recommended practices for a safety investigation into a marine casualty or marine incident; C. What do you understand by the term “very serious marine casualty”?
Q2. Periodical Lubricating Oil Analysis, its correct interpretation and corrective measures are of critical significance for the maintenance of marine machineries. With reference to the modern analysis techniques employed for the condition of L.O, discuss the following:
A). Elemental (Spectrometric) Analysis
B). Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy
C). Particle Count
D). Base Number Vs Acid Number
Q4. India, one of the world's five major ship recycling countries, has acceded to the IMO Hong Kong Convention, the treaty that will set global standards for safe and environmentally sound hip recycling.
Discuss the key features of "The Hong Kong International convention for the safe and environmentally sound Recycling of Ships''.
Q4. (A) Discuss what you understand by directional stability and manoeuvring. How are these attributes provided in a ship?
(B) Using typical engine power versus engine speed diagram and propeller demand curves, discuss the relation between the maximum rated output of the propulsion plant and the power for which the propeller is designed.
Q7. A. What are P&I clubs? Describe how P&I clubs collect fund from ship-owners;
B. What are the risks that are covered under the term “protection” and “indemnity?”
Q9. (a) Describe the background and relevance of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001.
(b)Define the following under Bunker Convention and explain how they differ from other similar Convention such as CLC’92.
(i) Pollution damage
(ii) Bunker oil
(iii) Time limits for claims
(iv) Exclusions.
Q7. A ship sustained damages on hull while berthing. As a chief engineer officer of this ship, write a dry dock specification for the repair of the following damage that has occurred, stating what factors has to be considered when casting the repairs.
Your inspection revealed that on port side there is a damage to shell plating. You observed a deep dent on shell plating of 20 mm thick for approximately 2 square meter. This shell plating has to be removed and replacing along with the relevant damaged stiffeners which have been setup.
Q9. Explain the influence of a charter on operation of propulsion and other ship board machineries during a voyage. After taking over ship as Chief Engineer you have been informed that ship is on time charter and has a history of unforeseen auxiliary machinery breakdown at sea. State the different options you have and actions you would take as Chief Engineer prior to the commencement of voyage.
Q2. A) What is meant by Strategic Management? Explain the significance of strategic management in working of an organization. B). Define strategy and tactics. Differentiate between strategy and tactic giving examples
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