Q5. A. State the requirement and responsibility of the office in enforcing “emergency preparedness” procedures for a ship and its personnel, as required under ISM Codes?
B. Describe the duties of the office in: (i) Formation of the emergency team (ii) During emergency situations (iii) Maintaining contact between ship and office
Q7. With reference to Port State control enumerate on the following (i) Regional cooperation / agreements. (ii) Future of port State control. (iii) Is port State control an effective tool for ship safety?
Q7. Develop a training program for activities of a vessel, where you have joined recently as a Chief Engineer highlighting the specific training needs for engine room personnel in case of (i) use of life saving appliances (ii) fire in accommodation (iii) explosion in engine room, when the ship is in dry dock
Q4. Illustrate the provision kept towards establishing procedures for identification and testing of “critical” equipment under ISM Code. How the list of critical equipment and systems are made and on what factors are they dependent?
Q6. Suggest with reasons, why each of the following courses of action are appropriate of a operating in heavy seas: A. Frequently sounding of all hold bilges; B. Frequently sounding of bilges in chain locker, fore and aft peak tanks, cofferdams and void spaces; C. Sound all fuel, fresh water and ballast tanks; D. If satisfied with A.,B. and C. trim ship by the stern and correct any list; E. Reduce speed of the main engine.
Q9. A. As a Chief Engineer on a UMS vessel scheduled to make a voyage from India to the U.S. Coast; list the salient items you will inspect including propulsion machinery to ensure making a satisfactory voyage. B. Also list the documents the ship will keep handy to successfully undergo port State control inspection on arrival.
Q1. Differentiate between third party liability and contractual liability. When may the shipowner seek to limit his ability? List the persons entitled to limit liability and claims entrusted.
Q4. State the circumstances which may lead to suspension or withdrawal of class explain the terms A. period of class B. anniversary date C. survey time window D. memoranda E. recommendations
Q6. Why does a ship require Marine Insurance cover? Explain Hull Claims and Cargo Claims related with Marine Insurance. State the related documents and information required from the ship in this regard highlighting their validity.
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